Shield for 44
Basic Attack Squirrel for 18
Keep -10% attack and +10% shield, and give the remainder to squirrel
So I will
give squirrel +5 shields and -5 atk
shield for 48
Attack squirrel for 14
Holster rest of energy
@tutuu, I lock this in
Well voices in my head…
we did it. thanks for the words of encouragement, and discouragement
hey, thanks for listening
gg ez
did you win
i hope you won imagine losing to someone who’s actions are all public
Yup. She/we won.
Brings the balloons and cake
I’d like to think marshal won because of my stellar advice
i’d like to thank squirrel for giving me advice and always supporting me. i’d like to thank my family.
so really, I won if you squint hard enough and don’t look at the “Marissa Wins” in the title of the thread
You always win since you’re a cute squirrel. Pets
The person who had this power was not designed to win the game