The Lynx’s Eye — Teasers

The saddest part of this kanji is that it can grow worse. Ever heard of biangbiang noodles?
(Never mind… the center character of that abomination is that of a horse; not a bird.)

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you know, i have :joy_cat:

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absolute paintchad


To my special someone out there…

Ah, never mind.



Doodle Page — Hairstyles/Accessories from Behind, + Assorted Poses


Student Spotlight #10

Yumihiko Tatsuhashi, Ultimate Violinist

“I’m the world-renowned violinist, Yumihiko Tatsuhashi! Wait, y-you haven’t heard of me? What do you mean you think classical concerts are boring?”
“To be honest, I’ve always wanted to play pop music, but what kind of idol group hires a violinist?”

The son of the extremely wealthy old-money Tatsuhashi family. Since he was born, he’s always had a high profile—nobody was surprised at his admittance, given his family’s record. His technical skill on the violin matches the best in the world. He’s frequently gone on tours around the country, though the news doesn’t make it outside of classical music circles.

He thought that “abode” was the past tense of “abide” until the first year of middle school.
He’s a total dork and I love him for it.


(and thats where im taking a break for the time being, glgl)


Student Spotlight #11

Tomikazu Wagai, Ultimate Drummer

“Bring it on, don’t hold anything back! You better watch out, I’ll cook circles around you so hard that you’ll roll around in your ashes!”
“W-What do you mean I have ‘I’m so screwed, I can’t cook for shit’ written all over my face? I’d never put my foot in my mouth! T-That’s stupid! You’re stupid! Just wait, I’ll knock you out of your shoes the best meal you’ve ever seen!”

The prodigious drummer of a modern rock band, Tomikazu’s stage presence is known for being loud and firey. The band lifted him out of anonymity; before his musical talent came to attention, his family was quite poor. His fame was a windfall for them. Though not mainstream, his band has struck a few lucrative production deals—they aren’t struggling by any means. Although interviews have been conducted about his private life, like any public figure, it’s unknown how much of his answers are genuine and how much is a facade.


hi <3


(the character portraits are coming along very well, im almost done with them all)
(however, i am stuck on the writing so :skull: )

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Student Spotlight #12

Osamu Yamane, Ultimate Orator

“Ya gotta believe in yourself more, Kyou! Everybody here is a budding speaker, and if anyone judges you for your mistakes, I’ll make ‘em hear it personally!”
“C’mon, wear that smile! I know you’re beating yourself up over your sis, but I’m sure that her seeing you smile would be the best thing she could ever ask for. As a big bro, I guarantee it!”

Despite his brash, rough exterior, Osamu comes from a background of wealth and power in the Yamane family, with many of his family members occupying political positions in local and occasionally national governments. He’s built up his name with his wide range of delivery styles to match occasions, making tours delivering speeches in support of his relatives and various other issues, being able to be eloquent and refined, but also able to be brash and passionate in order to get across to his audience.

I probably know too much about him.


Ultimate Yapper just dropped.


osamu yap-mane do be yapping

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i ship them already


Student Spotlight #13

Aika Fujiwara, Ultimate Fortune Teller

“Behold, mortals! You are in the presence of Aika Fujiwara, the All-Seeing, the Sunset’s Shadow, the Keeper of the Immortal Third Eye, et cetera, et cetera.”
“Ah, the Third Eye detects you might desire some company! What? No, I’m not lonely or anything… I mean! The Imprisoned One requires no companions!”

Certainly one of the lesser known Ultimates of this year’s class, Aika is a streetside western-style fortune teller with a habit of train-hopping around the country. Hailing from a smaller town, many of the old people around her home area regard her warmly. Given what I could find on her school records, she’s lucky to get into a university at all. That said, “fortune telling” is a blatant scam, in case that wasn’t obvious. The academy scouts sure have some taste in their Ultimate picks.


prediction: once the students find out there’s a mastermind aika kills her red herring like an idiot


chuunibyou moment


dont show kyouka the sliding scale of increasingly questionable talents (based on how much they make her seethe with anger /hj)


in this situation, the /hj tag means something like “i made this in 5 minutes, do not use as theory crafting fodder assuming that i have put huge amounts of thought into hiding some deep meaning in it because there is no deep meaning and in the event that there are inconsistencies between this and canon this one is obviously the wrong one”


the disclaimer is obviously a preface for when the mastermind turns out to be the ultimate yaggababble with one of monowhatever’s dumb stock phrases