Toxicity Changes (April Fools!)

detailed hierarchy pyramid for all players

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  1. January
  2. wingman
  1. atlas
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They’re also being given out to every post in this thread, so I’m not sure their market value is that high.

it’s like money before people realize it’s inflated

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magnus like value will never recover from the market crash


@Magnus has actually given out 6.5k likes to my 3.5k, so if anything, these likes are decreased in value by their appearance.

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*5.9k. I thought you could count.

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6.5k given, 5.9k received. You’ve got to work on getting that like ratio balanced. Mine is a perfect square.

69th post


This is the hardest I have ever been ratio’d.

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i propose we unban alice for 1 day to celebrate toxicity


You’ve got your lore mixed up. I seem to recall an incident in a Splatoon Discord where you asked if anybody actually thinks while playing, a message that resulted in you receiving 16 pings.

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As you are now May, you responsible for all that entails. Every single moment of it. That’s the real prank. Good luck.

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I request that I be given a golden border to make my decrees more official.

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Yeah Eliza shape on you

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I for one am in favor of implementing this change for the long term

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You mean the feature where Silviu is impersonating you? I suppose you do like seeing your own avatar around.

I was actually referring to Eliza’s exorcism


I am however wondering how did you change your name around