turbo numero tres - mafia wonnered


both maf are voting me, the power is in ur hands

u probably won’t find me but it’s ok

excuse you
it could still be reversed
why is a simple case so difficult

ok squid is not hammering

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok

look bruh im town and i think you realized it d1


Transcend (2): min, Trochilidae
min (1): Transcend

Not Voting (2): Marshal, PoisonedSquid

i have no idea what this means lol

Can we stop the slow roll ong

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reverser shit
can make marshal reveal maf as ic

squid/transcend is entirely possible but I want to just put full faith that i wasn’t caught by reverser and take the claer at face value

I don’t think it’s ever Trochi/Transcend together which makes me inclined to think min is best vote in all scenarios


I have better things to do than see if town lost or not (like sleeping)

queen shit tbh

Lmao how can u think I’m wolf here

That’s crazy

so tired

i honestly have 0 wolf equity with anyone here lol

and i never got those cases

I’d call you eolfy but I can’t bc ur an ic

does troch do that bus d1 and then the bus today aswell? meh