Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I mean, visor was bussing so what stops rue from distancing and if there is ever any danger of you actually going over just switching to heisen. Heisen was pretty much locked in, especially the more ice cube he got.

This is not as clearing as you make it out to be tbh. The wagons ended 1 apart but only because of ghana’s very last second switch to you.


like thats something a beg noob maf would do.

we have all seen wolf visor.

would he do something that level 1

Yes, that’s how people who win mafia championships do things Katze, they employ very advanced distancing tactics and then use their credibility to shield their wolf partners for most of the game and even if that fails they point back and go ‘see? This is fine.’


I am officially concerned.



weird how only one wolf was on katze wagon when another wolf was up for the chopping block.

katze wagon looking pure

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be concerned then

i think if you… actually read her posts, you could see she’s trying to turn me into the top wagon, and does briefly succeed

all of this is while im asleep too so :person_shrugging:

im not gonna say “if u dont clear me for it ur a noob” but fmpov its fairly clear what shes doin and im not gonna not point it out when i think clearing myself in this situation is incredibly useful

like this is bothering me >:(

weird how I wanted to kill ruby late day 2 and suggested as much to Katze and she said she was sticking to Arctic.

And now she’s really not diving into nuance with reading me in the hood like I would expect her to.

“I dont have wim” only stops being applicable when the game isn’t on the line sir.

But of course I will read back everything today. I have energy.

But also have a grocery shopping to do right now.

(last line was my partner saying to do the fucking shopping lol x))

wolf on chopping block.

wolfs are mostly off main wagons (minus visor)

katze wagon only has one wolf.


ruby and geyde could have pushed her over


for science one sec

i havent gotten to that yet but ok :joy_cat:

katze are you boxed in like a cat rn

no becuz i think i am an obvious villager and can lamist harder than you’ve ever seen if i need to

why did visor vote geyde over you d1