Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

The ironic part is the fact kat and Achro are gonna pull the “Min is shit as mafia” thing they did with arctic and all of you are going to pretend like my death had no meaning :confused: but I’ve exhausted all my wim today. I’ve pinged. I’ve explained everything. Im done. Seeya

Our three flavors are connected is what I’m saying

I’m fine with outing our characters, if any one knows the flavour its not really good for us tbh, but I doubt that matters much.

Okay, but could other 3 roles be connected the same way you 3 are? That’s what I’m saying.

Actually, anti-claim kills actual claims. If you die and their flavors are outed i dont think it can be anti-claimed, only if they actually claim it here or you out their claims.

Yes, possibly
In the last umineko game there was a Mason pair

No you don’t. It’s too dangerous and there isn’t a Big enough reward.

Well yeah that’s why I’m not outright claiming lol
You’ll see it when I die and the rest is implied

But I’m also aware there are sometimes mechanics where a certain flavor has to target another, specified flavor

And I don’t know quite enough about our flavors to say for sure that there isn’t someone who might be bounty hunting one of us

If any of u got George flavor ily

I dont understand why dont you wanna self pres to protect Brad and Jack, that should be incentive enough if you townread them. No?

You all need to calm down.

I’ll be back after work.

I do! Anti-claim me

Because I want to protect min? Lol


I mean we could just be vague and say the neighbourhood name, but my understanding from past games is anti claim is more based off roles not flavor. Unless FOL does it different.

Over two other people? You think min weights more than Brad and Jack?

It’s specifically astand who does it differently

Yah Wind is not making sense

I think Wind is in anti-spew mode.