(Valentine's) number poker [4] Phase 2: playing hands (6/10)

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player communication is allowed (and encouraged, since it is a thinky game, just include me in the communication, or not…)

Each round last 24 hours. (or shorter, if I got all neccessary action for the round, and I am avalaible.)

There is a deck with four suits. (club, diamond, spade and heart) each suits has 10 numbered card, where the numbering starts at 1 and the next card’s number is always increased by one.

The numbered card’s values are ranging from 1-50, higher numbers inside a suit have higher values. (but higher card in different suit still can have the same or lower value as well.)
Also the value of the same number in any different suits are always different.

for example the value of [one of hearts] is lower than any other [heart] cards
also from [one of hearts], [one of clubs], [one of diamond] and [one of spades] none of them can have the same value, as any other [ones]

First phase: draft.

For each player 9 number is randomly generated with the values from 15 to 235.
Afterwards players can rank ten of their choices to pick from the shown numbers. Players will gain the first nine numbers no one else picked at a lower or equal rank than them.

If there are any numbers not picked, this action repeats one more time with the remaining numbers.

After the second round, the remaining numbers will randomly given to the players, who hasn’t gained 9 numbers yet.

Second phase: playing hands (values)

Every turn, each player submit one of their numbers privately, and learn the highest poker hand that can be made from all the cards such that the numbers on the five cards add up to that player’s number. This result is publicly announced, and players are privately told the cards that make up that poker hand.
Each player has an extra joker, that can be used as any number of their choice.
Players can opt out not to play any hands, but with this they need to forfeit one of their number (or their joker)

example for public informations can be seen at the end of the opening post

This phase ends after 10 rounds. (when no one has more number anymore.)
If someone doesn’t submit a number in 24 hours, one of their number is randomly discarded.

Third phase: guessing

After everyone played/forfeited all of their numbers, players can guess the value of each card once, scoring a point for each card they guessed correctly, and no one else guessed correctly.

Additionaly each players gain an extra special guess for each scoring hand they scored higher during the game*. This guess can be submitted anytime during the game, and I will tell as soon possible, if the actual value of the card is lower, equal, or higher than their special guess in private.

Player(s) with the highest score wins.

for people who don't know how poker hand rankings works:

(stronger ranks are above weaker ranks)

straight flush
four of a kind
full house
three of a kind
two pair
high card [five cards that doesn’t make any other poker hand]
Do not score [DNS] (there aren’t five cards that can give the value as a sum/the player forfeited the round/didn’t submit an action.)

* example for a round

Round 1
Player A gets a straight flush [value here]
Player B gets a full house [value here]
Player C gets a two pair [value here]
Player D DNS [discarded number here]

Player A will get 2 special guesses (since their hand scored higher than player B and C, player B will gain 1 special guess (since their hand scored higher than player C), and player C and player D won’t get special guesses (since neither of their hand scored higher than a scoring hand).

signups will open for 5 days.
just type /in to join, there is no upper limit for players.
(game will start around 2025-02-10T18:00:00Z )


  • Zone_Q11
  • Ash
  • Squirrel2412
  • Marshal
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Seems fun

I think it’s fun, if you like games, which requires more thinking than usual.

I’m pretty sure I know this from some Korean reality show.

Genius game?

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@Ash, get over here.


I haven’t seen that show (yet), so I’m pretty sure the inspiration isn’t from there.

Also as I understand, that show was also inspired via manga games, so I can see making a similar game than those.

(this game was inspired by Liar’s game (the manga) bid poker game.)
I just couldn’t realistically make the original concept into an FM game.

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It’s not the same, now that I’ve actually read skimmed the OP

I was thinking of this

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it is NOT a weekend gtfo


i said I would play miscs outside of the weekends :frowning:
if u want more quality marissa time maybe u should join


[cut to Marissa trying to EIMM her way through this as I lock myself in my room to build an Enigma Machine]


For the most part, it was sequence-searching. I don’t think you’d need to know algorithms to find out the sequence.

This time though, there are more restrictions which should make the game easier. (Though that advantage might be offset by the added suit, so who knows, really.)

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I wasn’t looking for sequences; I was coding a program to do the solving for me.
I think there were multiple solutions given the information we had, so it was a bad play in hindsight, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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how it feels to realize you joined a math game against the worlds biggest nerds


The world? Nah, I ain’t even the biggest nerd in FoL. At best, I’m a third-rate tryhard at brute-forcing solutions.

@Zugzwang, this is a sign.


I’ll read the OP sometime™ and then maybe join depending on how much I figure out / brute force optimal play

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you have about 3 days to decide.