Valorant FM Game Thread 2 (7/18) [Mafia wonnered]

if the game isn’t over by n2 you did something wrong here imo

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TBH a fun setup is 17 town compulsive guiltiy n1 vigs
and one mafia bulletproof


gg i was memes



  1. FoL host site attracts FoL players
  2. town never wins these odds
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Dont have much to say tbh

Gg eevee you played well


a valo game hosted here
which attracts people who play valo, most of which are toxic or have dealt with it for several years
and fol
which speaks for itself
its part of the reason i think htf was so bad

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Memes, Guillo, Guillotina, Kirby etc are all characters in a fictional story called Mafia, when they attack, push, question, taunt, blackmail, gaslight etc they do it to the other characters in the story not the players behind it. Maybe this will help you understand why i play the way i do and not take my interactions with you personal. When i play Im in the Mafia bubble, i forget there is a real world out there.

Some of you know me and im sure you have figured out that im not the same person outside of a game as the one in a game.

I’ve never intended to harm your feelings, your reputation or your mental health.

I hope this clear things up.

When i realize people are taking it personal it demoralizes me because i always assume they are playing within the bubble and it sucks when i have to take it to maintain the integrity of the game and risk making the game toxic and having to wait post game to clear things up.

Also, i never consider OOG info, i think it’s dirty. If I’m sick or in vacation or some other shit prevents me from playing the game properly, i sub out, i dont put it on other player’s shoulders to take it easy on me, specially the opponent who is working hard to get rid of me as a threat.

I have my physical and mental health problems too, you have never seen making a mention on them in the game, they dont exist, Guillo the character dont have those problems and neither the other chsrscters have them, they are just either town, scum or indeoendent.

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This will haunt you forever


people put a lot of themselves into mafia (at least, some people do)
so it’s not a surprise people take someone being rude to them personally
i don’t have anything enlightening to say on the manner but eh

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Praise to eevee for stopping Eliza from hammering. Brilliant play, risky yes, but those are the best.

Conroy and Zorvo, great open wolves! I dream of the day we rand scum together.

@Neon i said it here, i’d apologize for questioning your words of motivation. I apologize and thank you again for it <3

And also, if you got beef with me, let’s talk it out in private first before i see you attacking me personally in spec and dead chats. I’d like to think we are all adults here

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Dont think i

Played that bad at the last day?

Like from how everything was going tbh

Wolves you guys are weirr but it worked


Like the only thing i will say was bad was my gorta wolf read and im fine eating crow on it tbh

Because i antagonized her, i made her a martyr.

Next time if i see im getting scum read maybe i will associate myself with wolves on purpose and maybe town will kill them faster lol.

It’s alright. I think you played well, at least you didnt hard shield two wolves like i did.

Honestly my issue was

To me both you and zorvo felt like you were spewing just agenda, and it was just deciding which of you it was tbh

I went zorvo cause you were townier with your behaviour near EoD

I also dod hard shield eevee

But he was

Just spewed town from seths push tbh

I feel like its hard to see him wolf that day


Sorry for yelling at you, its just frustrating when people are just

Uncooperative tbh, espically in a day you need to re eval the entire game until that point.


am i going to have to point out the fact that having a villager off wagon and a villager not voting is always going to lose you mylo btw

because it absolutely is

it doesnt even matter that the main wagons were v/v there is no situation you shouldnt be voting by the end of mylo as a villager (apart from like, wolves quickhammering before you came online)

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