Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Surviving is what wolf would do, townie will try to find scum

can we not kill spewed town min from wazza???

lol nice cfd
magnus is too towny apparently compared to min

Lol what

You must be lying

VOTE: BradLand.

VOTE: bradland

Mins basically safe until next day huh

VOTE: BradLand

bro wtf is this


Meh all these wagons suck

VOTE: Frost

VOTE: min
for memes


is this where we find out hosts are once again slanking


VOTE: bradland

You call for me and I’m here.

no i’ve just been waiting


Raji town
Zorvo town ish
Eliza town
Magnus town ish
Frost town
Bread town

I’m asserting control over the thread.
(If we vote before the hosts close the thread, our final tally counts.)

Here goes another day without voting weeee