Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

bruh thats what i thought

12 hours seems long enought to post reads

your slot has been under extreme pressure, someone claimed a n0 on you

The election immediately starts sod 2 and lasts 12 hours

welcome, ur outted scum by n0 peek congrats, now die

/vote @lol

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ok i would like to give up


understandable, have a great day

what role were you

thanks, you too

now I wanna say that’s rolefishing but I’m too interested in what he actually is to stop you

is role fishing really a bad thing considering what we just saw?

I mean
Its debatable

also considering everyone is a PR and i doubt thats jailor


also i was asking wich evil role they were but whatever



-be jailor, the most ICable role in this town
-get called outted wolf
-give up
-refuse to elaborate

that look like something jailor does to you

he’s a memelord it literally means nothing

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