April Showers Overhaul FM - GAME OVER - Town & Survivor Victory!

-April Showers Overhaul FM roll credits-

This is why mountainous is good
Wolves can kill Achro night one to balance out the game
Join my mountainous when it opens :+1:t2:


It almost worked anywsy.

True. We wouldā€™ve.

True. So true.

I certainly will.

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That is a name I havenā€™t seen for while I remember vaguely


That means I should include strongman in every game I host if you play in it.

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Donā€™t worry. I gotchu.

Purgatory will have no night kills,
have fun if you join

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Oh yeah, I am still convinced that not rescinding the 3p claim was a throw.

I guess the fact it flipped town was a lesson to never quickhammer, but Jake did post before the hammer, and he didnā€™t rescind during that time - despite being on peopleā€™s kill lists.

I could kinda maybe accept the 3p claim if the player isnā€™t under threat of being killed, but Jake definitely was, and him claiming 3p led to some of our solving being mistaken - because we had to assume one of the 3p claims was lying. Our neighborhood had figured out that the setup was 10/3/2 with Hazardā€™s info, and with Jake + Guava + Raj as claimed or indirectly claimed 3ps, one of them had to be mafia instead.

The fakeclaim also contributed to Kiirumaā€™s death, because there being two roles tied to what seemed like a 3p killer seemed suspicious. And itā€™s not like Jake needed to fakeclaim to protect himself - there were a lot of people the evils wouldā€™ve wanted dead before him, most likely. With Kiiruma and Jake dying to town, we also got to LyLo, which couldā€™ve been avoided - without them dying, Robyn probably dies instead, and itā€™s possible that we would find Frost right after.

All in all, if there was a worst fakeclaim award, Iā€™d nominate this one in a heartbeat. Iā€™m not saying this in a toxic manner; I just think it was really bad and you should never do it again, Jake.



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There are definitely instances where claiming neutral as town is a good thing

This was not one of them


What me also bamboozled is the confusion caused with serial killer and Lich I thought were 2 separate 3P killers

(Then again it must be disguised as deception that I am naive townie)

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i know this is late

sorry @Achromatic with day 1, that AtE ws completly fake, idk if wolf chat is public, but it pained me to actually do that shit and i didnt want to

Im pretty sure everyone went over what happend this game, and we talked quite a bit in spec chat about stuff, so not much else ot say tbh.

Also yeah, we did speak of mech a bit, and yes wolves did get very salty day 1 (for so-so reasons, a bit of validity but also kinda too much salt etc.)

I accepted i fucked up day 1, even with IRL stuff, should have used my approached thread differently but

yea, lessons learned there

All good, its not public.

RL stuff going on and bad rand can happen often in games like this, the best I can do is go deepwolf and manipulate the town leaders and I think it worked well in my favor for a while, until I got unlucky and couldnā€™t muster the support to go on Leafiaā€™s wagon to be executed Day 4.

The mistake of picking the martyr for myself and not giving to you is entirely different scenario which I donā€™t think I predicted this will happen, this could have been pretty devastating for the town that claimed pretty early. Keeping Achro alive to torture him for tinfoiling was a sight to behold ^^


biggest complaint was our Anti-claim being locked behind the martyr in terms of mech

that reallllly hurt considering the masons and neighbourhood claims day 1

Otoh if you bus martyr day 1 you get an extra poison every single night. Kinda nuts tbh

Glad to hear the ate was fake though. Ate doesnt move me (obviously) but didnt want your first game back to that that bad

yeah shit had no heart in it

a bit frustrating considering IRL stuff, but i was very muuch accepting of my death around that time lol

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I hate that mechanic around that.

I wonder how the iceberg conspiracies will look like :smirk_cat: