April Showers Overhaul FM - GAME OVER - Town & Survivor Victory!

Why are you immune to sk???

Am i missing something?

Passive ability

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Yeah fair. Well GG mate, sorry to cut your game short again.

It’s alright mate. As I said I’m chill about it.
I’m also glad you’re properly learning about bastard game mechanics and what it means.

Just bare in mind that thus far we have had true and semi useful modifiers.

One evil having access to dead chat (Meaning they can get info out of townies and fake info they gain to look good) and one good player with access to a masonry

Therefore I am going to believe we do have a SK and that I’m not just a coroner who is being tricked

Well ok. Who do you think the sk is. Do you think its between quava or Jake. Or do you think they are both similing


I promise i can type on a phone screen smiling

I’m also typing on a phone :upside_down_face:

I’m personally still leaning Jake as I said before when I was only referring to it as a harmful neut. I’m getting SK vibes from Jake.

Mostly because I’m getting wolf vibes and yet nothing… paired or unpaired.

Did anyone else say SK before you?

We talked about SK in the NH

So if Leafia (and Kiiruma) is saying the truth, we are missing two nightkills.

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Which has a more likely chance the rb, rbed a kill role. Or leafia is 3p but i am not to fond of that idea

Or the SK hit kiiruma. (Honestly, this is the less likely option.)

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Vul never cleared the NH based solely on the Tactician.

He cleared it from 3P cause of it’s modifier.

And I was clearing the NH from mafia based on the combined fact of its modifier and the presence Tactician at SoD 2.

Well if we are missing 2 night kills we are for sure killing the rbed person


Also we battled this during D2: It looks like, we all three have the same modifier.

For fucking sure.