April Showers Overhaul FM - GAME OVER - Town & Survivor Victory!


oh i see how those messages could be interpreted

Is this serious

I think i have a good grasp on the game. I killed a wolf day 1 and feeling good. Claim?

That + yesterdays poe

Why not? Who do you got?

i’m town but i was busy yesterday, and this game looks like a free win

overnight i assumed there would be a bunch of deaths and bad anti claim as arete or katze said something about fol anticlaim being worse than syndicate/mu anti claim

Was just curious if you were actually voting them over them saying “no anticlaim?” as a joke or if it was real
I don’t have anything on Robyn lmao

What do you think of ranjidae?

Oh sometimes i have seen scum ask questions they know the answer to in order to appear uninformed.

And they are here while rajidae is not

why did you kill a mason

As soon as I saw that I had it, I got really excited about using it, but I also got a bit worried about picking the wrong target. It’s actually a bit of a relief that I lost the ability since it means I don’t need to worry about picking the wrong target any more and I think it really fits my flavor which I think really suits me.

You are an ic now hooray

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I am not enjoying it my buddy is dead

i’'ll sheep u and if she flips scum i won’t particularly care about getting flipped next considering in the gamestate i can’t pelt a wolf or anything

and in the scum game i just played against rajidae i ended up deciding to read her in future games off rhetoric and tmi, because she’s new to mafia i reckon it’s seal clubbing to see her try to solve with/without tmi

but she’s not here so i can’t do that


Well yeah but if they’re actually town this mindset kinda encourages people to not ask questions, or to interact with thread less as a whole
I was shocked there was no anticlaim too, and I’m also kinda shocked you’re alive
I would have said the same sort of thing if I wasn’t in class when day started :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

You said something about yesterday’s poe, do you have anything else on Robyn?


rubs chin

Mafia doesnt have an anti claim strongman then? Confusing.

I needed to know if the masonry was real and I suspected that it wasn’t. I also didn’t like how trusting people were of you two suddenly and I was worried that if you were both wolves like I suspected, then it could cost town the game.

Kind of want to see what they do. Robyn’s not the shy type

Mafia probably has a separate day/night vig anti claim at this rate and you were just the normal kill?

that’s a lot of communication and strong town roles so i dont think anticlaim wil lbe just a strongman