Bland & Flavorless Mountainous Signups (15/15)

whyd you assume i want to hydra w/ you
i was being funny


There you go. I never considered you as a possible hydra partner, because I didn’t really think we had synergy.
Not to insult you, obviously, I mean you think I’m too loud and I think you’re too quiet.

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you think im quiet???

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i think player output isnt a big deal in hydras unless its at the point of zeroposting

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When referring to one sharing their gameplay thoughts, I think you’re quiet. Which means I’m automatically discounting your very dramatic and very chic wallposts.

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this reminds me, i was going to offer to hydra with you on MU if you didn’t end up finding anyone, but i completely forgot about it and it’s past the deadline now

people often drop out of or swap games before they start though, so if you still wanted to play in a hydra i would be down if the opportunity came up


You are correct, but I think the problem is that I’d either drown you out and get you annoyed in the process, or actually slow down and not have as much influence in the thread as I otherwise would.

im not exactly the most one note player here

magnus you dont consider hydra chats
i think you, and alot of people here would benefit from a mentor-mentee type hydra game
on either side


all the benefits of learning through a hydra without mash level spamposts


I think the concept of playing in a hydra appeals to me because then I’d have another player I could fully trust and communicate with in privately, without having to pretend about it like you would a Mafia partner. So I’d be up for it.

Definitely not, I wouldn’t consider you a slanker. I just think the reason you’ve been executed in the same recent games I’ve been in has come as a result of you not exactly taking charge.


I would have to agree.

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other than last game, where i was specifically going for a conspiracy theorist type, ive not been that comfortable with the idea of taking a leadership role
i took them alot when i played on discord though

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I’m fond of playing as a devil’s advocate (not the botc role, the trope), which is fairly close to a conspiracy theorist I’d say? i suppose they fulfil similar purposes, although they have different mentalities.

in that case when i have more time (probably mid/end-november onwards) i’ll let you know if any of the games need an extra hydra

i had been planning for a while to use the hydra games to bring more fol-only players to MU and see how they liked it so this is a bonus

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hosting one of these on fol would probably be super helpful, but i doubt we have enough people to mentor lol

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im always playing devils advocate
im not always coming up with grand conspiracies

i will singlehandedly mentor an entire game


just host a cop9er

hire people from MU