Blood on the Forums XV - The Everhood - Game Over

I’m back and there are a few I wouldn’t mind whispering more peeps today, before nominations start in a few hours.

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Took yall a while. Gosh

Yeah Night and I had quite a lot to talk about.

Fair enough I guess, I don’t blame yall.
I was just waiting for ya to be done

I have a feeling that Pukka is the demon we’re up against. That and either GF/Assassin based on the kills N2.

/Whisper PlagueSimp @Host_Account_2 @YoubutWorse

If you don’t mind, I would like to whisper you today since well, your claim is kinda important in the situation we’re in.

What if :flushed:

I made his claim public :flushed:

I know what it is.
But like, kinda have to discuss its use, if its true

I won’t because im a coward and he hasn’t claimed to me yet

But I could

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Is this for me?


Alright I accept your whisper.

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Yeah we’ll have to ping Storyteller for this.

Yeah we didn’t exactly initiate one properly either

/Whisper KiiIruma @Host_Account_2 @YoubutWorse


Alright I’m back.

At this point I’m trying to figure out what to do because I want to trust Nightingale due to their role.

And Amelia backing off from Grandmother makes me trust them a bit more now and feel happier with the scenario.

It’s possible Night is pulling wool over my eyes but I don’t think so due to the fact that their claim now just works.

Either we have 1 evil dead (Which couldn’t be Dolby - At least not with them being a minion) and idk the odds of a demon offing their own team.

Or I’m leaning an Egg - CRich world, idk which being the demon.
CRich’s claim is kinda perfect in a Shab game.
But if it’s not a Shab game and CRich is evil, then they’d be more likely to be a minion who used that role as a bluff, knowing that they couldn’t prove their role and therefore would be offed more likely than people without sus on them.

Dolby claiming outsider does line up with why they weren’t Professored last night.
Which is unfortunate, as I would have preferred they claimed this so I could get wind of it before this was a thing.
Oh well, it is what it is.