Blood on the Forums XV - The Everhood - Game Over


Not much happening right now. Here are some dad jokes.
“What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved”.
“Where do fruits go on vacation? Pear-is!”.

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I will happily declare myself the most socially good player in thread uwu
crich is meh rn
itd help if he made some social reads or stuff but its d1 so its not like it matters that much to be socially good rn

It’s D1 and not everyone has posted and its not like we have much to go off other than that.

I’m not getting a good feeling from this post. It comes across as being too pre occupied on being town read. They’re a wolf lean.
That being said, this is a good look for Nightingale if Dolby is wolf as this post doesn’t feel like something a wolf would complain about in thread about their partner not having a “perfect meta read” on them.

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kii you should sleep assuming youre still in UK
do want to whisper tomorrow though

The games I’ve played with Dolby, they subbed into town slots if my memory serves me correctly. That and I don’t remember them complaining about not being town read.

haaaaa, i live now

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its been so long since ive played forum games
i cant even remember the name of the one i played before

so this will be quite interesting

also if i could talk to yolk or amelia that would be fantastic

Hello Plague. How are things?

its going well, just eating. How about you?

not anymore

night claims psychopath and kills bacon

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what is psychopath? MC?

psychopath is minecraft
how did you know


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you can whisper right now correct?

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I also want to talk to crich and kiiruma today So if you whisper me I might decline

i wasnt going to whisper you but its /Whisper [X] correct?