BotF I.I - Hand of Darkness - Good wins

my charisma will not let you down
my path is the only one

ok pixie (jk)

Your snitch?

my role is lame:tm:


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Rip, tbh I’m on edge if I am this lucky to get this role, but hopefully you can do stuff with your role despite it being lame (i wonder what roles i’d consider lame tbh)

Wait don’t say that

no you cuck

I uh
Just remembered Fang existed

what’s the problem with claiming as snitch d1

that seems like probably the least suboptimal role to claim as

except maybe noble

how exactly do i prove to you guys that there arent evil people

Fang Gu


find the goodness in each of our hearts individually


you dont

it’s like a dating sim

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I’m convinced

How the hell am I ment to even share my role without obviously sharing my role :skull:

BOTC dating game, choose a character

everyone who has posted is townsfolk or outsider

everyone who will post is townsfolk or outsider

are you convinced