BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!


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Oh my god that is cursed.
So you could just learn any word

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I mean it’s more useful than an actual Alchemist Mezepheles

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You can make yourself evil if you think your team is failing. Alche mez has that use. Plus if you get someone else to say it who you think is evil, then say it yourself, then if you turn evil then you already know a teammate

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alch mez is funny for trolling

It does remind me of 1 atheist game.

The atheist asked the ST for a fake mez word. And there was an alchemist who was told they were the mez. I said both mez words D1, turned “evil” as the poppy grower and just spent the game trying to get myself executed.

Oh yeah damn that reminds me Atheist can exist :froggwee:



Who’s the cursed hecker who added Atheist? Smh.

I added aetheist.

Look I know I made my threat in signups but no it wasn’t me :wowee:


I successfully added another relatively cursed thing. But it’s lowkey one of my favourite things to be.

I asked the host about the vortox/Alchemist thing and unless either I’m Marionette or my actual ability allows me to pick people, the demon can’t be vortox.


Jarek why did you like this post ffs


evil twin was my only evil pick that got on the script
they were all incredibly cursed

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Jarek is sipping tea while watching us (maybe) suffer and maybe vibe


There’s probably 1 more thing I should tell you of. But I digress

What is it?

just be glad its not a mastermind script Imao

(hey evil folks, could you be a dear and tell us if the Damsel exists)

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