Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

please define the pride spectrum words are wording


Any sexual orientation that is not straight plus anyone trans or non-binary

BTW imma reveal the full scoop on this next week in my narrative discord. So feel free to pm chloe and arete for an invite if interested

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Gonna go run and swim now. Peace

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the pride spectrum and the queer umbrella are ~the same thing i think. the cause doesn’t matter just the effect
its not a robust category. like intersex is usually included as a part of that umbrella. its like. identity out of your control more than anything
like id say if you wanted to you could identify as queer. you also could just choose not to.
my point is. uh. words can be whatever you want them to be or something like that. definitions are not robust and change constantly depending on circumstance

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this is my word manifesto where you learn how i feel about words

the colleague i was into turned out to be lesbian the entire time, but somehow i miraculously both escaped the situation and got confirmation on this (by overhearing from another room) without ever having to discuss it, despite it being the worst source of anxiety I’ve ever had (somehow getting worse and worse the more we went out as friends and the more contacts i confided in) – she’s still one of the best friends I’ve ever had and our professional chemistry is unparalleled. But the anxiety was unbearable and my interests are too niche anyways so the events of the past couple months definitely flipped the switch

the full story is a great one for anyone who has the time


So tldr i totally disagree that my asexuality is related to gayness in any way. We can agree to disagree I suppose

the intrusive thoughts got to him


We do not talk about Braixen no no

God half-frozen blue gatorade is like nothing else after an intense treadmill session

Whoever invented just laughing when someone says something and you cant quite hear them but dont want to have them repeat themself in order to pretend like you heard them was kinda onto something


just got asked by a staff member what grade I’m in (I am working at a K-8 school)


I know I look young but I’m not fourteen


I am proud of your physical activity

@May You’re next


We are the same


I am a little hard of hearing in real life in loud environments, I seem to be the only person to be struggling with this.


i personally go for the dad approach. when i don’t hear or understand immediately i just go “hm”

Arete breadcrumbing their age???

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