Dangan Werewolf Invitational (2/15) Game Ended Night 2 - Despair Won

Fuck off, I have opened many isos


Chronos’s iso feels lackluster

Possibly because only 45 posts and several of them were just apologies for lack of activity


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read on drinks is they’re an enigma
a wild card if you will
that is to say i have none

really the only notable thing i can remember about drinks is he said his hope reads
he also said smth about how its too early to really be basing votes? i dont really remember the rest of the reasoning
either way im foe drinks cause i can’t read em

oh wait neutrals exist maybe

Drinks iso feels bad

I think like 80% of that was shitpost

Kind of a mood but also I know that my playstyle is bad and scummy

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I am known to read people based on my own hypocrisy

Squinting does not tell me what about my thing is bad/sus

(I say when I nyahuh a lot)

He plays that way every game as town so that makes it okay and we shouldn’t exe :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



“bad” doesnt tell me anything to work off of

I can’t say I agree with that take

But partially because I accept that I deserved my death when I am killed for similar reaons

That was sarcasm
It’s Demi’s take tho