Dangan Werewolf Invitational (2/15) Game Ended Night 2 - Despair Won

I’m not saying you said that im saying apo said that because they did say that

My sleeping schedule is fucked, I have literally woken up and gone to sleep at like every hour of the night

Then why did you reply to that post? I-

My brain cells might not be working again

The peach was in reply to them saying that (and a message or two after it), I dont know what reply your referring to by this point.

Squid when you’re done arguing with Kai I’d still like a read on Scoot :innocent::dizzy:

Only reason it is boring and unfun for me is because it was a frequent debate in one of my communities like every d1 that had a new player

you read it scoot
like a scooter

oooh I see I see thanks for clarifying.

I’m going to read it with a long o now

I’ll give you credit for acting exactly like in SH D1 opener but im still not sold on you I bet you stepped up your game in the few games we had on our own

Not going to lie, even while I’m trying to read through their posts, they’re easily forgettable. I can reread them though

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not like you could read it with a short o like scot

I know there isn’t much substance but there’s something there, I think.

Never planned on it

She’s not being an ass about it
If she was all jokey about it all day then we’d literally NEVER get out of meme joking post phase

This is how this game gets going

You have to make your pushes look real at the beginning

That does seem a bit snarky and weird, more than I’d expect of them.

Smh I barely have 100 posts and Guava is here with almost 160

Barely 90