Danganronpa: ReWorked or thread how to better improve the DR games in general.

/Auto in.
It’s not a pre-in, it’s the equivalent of me inning immediately once the game starts.



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Hmmm puts away the newspaper .

Does it matter?


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I like the idea of a point system. Though I somewhat agree with a comment I read about how this might not really fit with the DR concept. But this would be great in other similar games like Death City.


Things DR5 did that fixed at least one problem, sometimes by introducing multiple other problems:

  • No Central Public Area That Publicly Announces Everyone Who Goes In Or Out. I think this was initially implemented in HPU but either way it’s a good change.
  • We tried to have areas that would have lots of interesting things to do/etc. even once people had made a basic first-pass exploration, so that it didn’t just turn into everyone AFKing in packs.
  • When people were getting really bunched up a to problematic degree, we sometimes interfered with that, e.g. by burning down a location. This was kind of a blunt instrument but it did somewhat solve the problem.
  • We tried to tailor motives at least somewhat to adapt to particular issues with killing that were preventing people from killing. This kind of worked but not, like, perfectly.
  • To prevent the dorm rooms from just being a free place to AFK, we had ways for people to break into dorm rooms. This caused some issues but did make it so that AFKing there indefinitely wasn’t super viable.
  • To solve the issue of ‘this takes a lot of time to host and kind of sucks for people whose timezone doesn’t overlap,’ we tried the strategy of ‘Arete gets four hours of sleep a night and sacrifices all their classes and ends up getting increasingly frustrated with everyone else involved while also being incredibly obnoxious about it.’ I, uh, do not recommend this solution.

should probably try for at least 5 hosts

i don’t host these games but
3-4 sounds awful

you need 24 hosts

one for each hour


dr is carried by the nagito archetype


I feel like what I did in DR2 would be optimal and have the public zone shut down once in a while to prevent people from abusing it to create flawless alibis.


Fair enough, though I wanna avoid this because of host bias and all.

Doing this. Like as I said I really didn’t like giving the MM the means to make motives because a lot of people don’t try to be creative about it.

Nah, I feel like there should be a safe zone where people can AFK to do IRL shit in the game. Plus, AFKing in your room makes you sus AF if a murder happens so there’s some counterweight to this strategy.


throw all the hosts into a pot
everytime one is picked they have to host for that hour

yeah sure that works.

alternatively have dead and escaped players host the game

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oh and alice

MM is boring and reductive
You don’t get to do the same things as other people and it stings because you have to stay in the game for so long
that’s why I recommend giving it the potential to kill and just writing a scenario that allows you to employ that

if you are going to run the standard DR formula with few changes you should just do the above + implement a temp-death system


i mean that throws in a league of problems

i read that as league of legends for a sec…

but I suppose that would be too harsh

I.E thinking you have enough hosts, even though the beginning has the most players, player’s being biased, player’s not knowing how to

The differing levels in host quality should be pretty obvious

on the hosting side:

making sure that each chapter is basically a new scenario is generally the best play
having some method of breaking up time so that the host can get sleep is a good idea
preplanning chapters is a great idea and you should do it
mix up your game with a lot of reasons for players to do somewhat anti-EV things for character reasons