[Game End 2/13] Diamond Arc Crossing - Town Wins by Sorc Moment

I just don’t want to pressure vote because the majority is so low that if the three wolves are in the thread and not Sharklifter, they could literally just hammer. And even if a wagon forms on shark that is purely villagers, it would be easy to hammer accidentally.

i just dont want to try to solve shark yet, more info would be nice before attempting to do so

Yes but they should’ve learnt a lesson watching EggYolk not saying anything in their defense and then getting yeeted and flipping town

Sharklifter isn’t new to social deduction, just to forum mafia

I’m looking at this game as a whole and Sharklifter is part of the game

The only way to get info on Sharklifter is literally for them to post, so if they don’t want to be within “this can die” range they need to do something about it themselves.

The newbie uncertainty was fine on D1 but I don’t like that it’s continued for two more days beyond that.

yes, i do agreee with pressuring.

/vote @Sharklifter


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gorta is probably experienced enough to do this type of thing on the main thread. I would trust it if it came from shark, wich is why i had them as a town lean for the setup questions they had

but TBF that was all day 1, and they havent questioned the setup since

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That’s the thing
They did stuff that read as newbtown on D1, then on D2 claimed not to have submitted an article because they didn’t know they were supposed to, and… nothing since then

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you know what

i retract my newb!town read, it was early day 1 and asking things on main is no indicative of a lack of wolf chat. The lack of questions/normal thread activity in the later days is actually a newb!scum tell.

im removing my deathtunnel restriction on sharks wagon, feel free to join in

He’s been saying stuff like this for days


I get that it’s partly a joke and that he gets excused for it as a newbie

But you’d never TR an experienced player for openwolfing so why does Shark get away with it, other than newb shield?

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Oh he did post stuff
Lemme think for a bit

Idk why he doesn’t think I was a main pusher on Egg lol

yeah i saw that post, at it honestly fcking sucks. the fact eli is even in the bomb pool with em alive is disgusting, at the second paragraph makes me think they are gunning to take my guns away

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Yeah I’m with you on that

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It’s a terrible post

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I don’t get why Eli should ever die before you, either
It makes more sense to list you as a bomb target with a caveat that if you flip scum, maybe reevaluate Eli
But yeah I don’t like how that post looks at all


also they keep going “heres my useless reads” “but its wrong” since we gave him the newb shield, almost like if we call them out for it their pla is to just wave the shield and make it go away

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tbf I’m also going “here are my useless reads” but the difference is I have no shield lol

So here’s the thing
If Sharklifter is scum, I think it implies that one or both of his teammates are actively pushing agenda

Because Shark is really not doing any heavy lifting (pun intended)

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