Dream Radar (dream research thread)

All my dreams are weird

Once I was a little girl hiding in the nurse office shooting soldiers coming in


Actually, it wasnā€™t shooting, it was a samurai sword tbat I sliced people with

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I remember being in first person doing that and then a while later in the dream it was third person and the girl was sitting in a graveyard and said something creepy about death and I woke up

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10/10 would jump and slash people witb a samuari sword again

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I think the best dreams are where you have powers, even if you get fucked and die by a random monster itā€™s really cool anyway


I am pretty sure I enjoyed the sword one even if the ending was creepy and horrifying

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it felt like a horror game hiding under a nurses bed and then the guard notices blood and they see you

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My favourite kinds of dreams are the ones where you get, like, a 5-minute max snapshot of a life which has been built up entirely around you. Sometimes even shorter. I have only myself very briefly been in a car that drove off that one bridge in Boston. But I knew why I was in that car (my family had stolen from Walmart and we were fleeing) and I had the context of this entire life as this new person. If only for a bit.


I also had a dream where I lived out an entire life in 5 minutes montage-style. In an alternative universe. I was born as a baby on the run from the cops and I grew up, knowing the whole time that I was in a world I did not belong to, and that I could leave and go home if I died. I told my companions this and they agreed that I should go back to my own world. But I was too afraid of death. I kept running. Eventually they caught and shot me in a thrift store. Under piles of clothing.

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Usually there is some semblance there is a dream. But it varies. I have dreamed fully lucid, I have dreamed somewhat lucid (as in, like, that kind of ā€œI know this is an alternate universe but I donā€™t know the detailsā€). I have had dreams which I did not realise were such whatsoever until I wake up. The more unrealistic a dream is, the more likely I am to recognise it as such. And I typically donā€™t notice dreams about deaths of family members to be such until I wake up. Although there may be bias in that I only remember the ones I believe, as the unbelievable ones are unable to have impact.

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i dont remember most of my dreams very well but i do know there was a reasonably long span of time where i would have nightmares about something incredibly mundane going wrong

like me missing a homework assignment and getting grounded for it

or losing a mafia game

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The one time I tried to lucid dream, I had a dream about my brain manfiestatijf and telling me how bad it is to lucid dream and it terrified me because it made it quite clear that it did not like me lucid dreaming


They do that a lot in my dreams. Shoot me


I dream advice for myself. If I dream about a scenario, itā€™s just my brain throwing up the alarm to go deal with whatever problem it is. I broke up with my first girlfriend because of a dream. Made up with and apologised to an old friend because of it. I dreamed the correct solution to a mafia F3 once and disobeyed it

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What I learned about dreams is I donā€™t understand my brain, I never will, itā€™s terrifying it holds more power than myself


my dreams are fucking insane and wild and a lot of them involve the traumatic shit iā€™ve been through framed through weird and fantastical settings usually at least partly based off games iā€™ve played
there. tends to be a concerning amount of violence and horrible other things that happen
usually i retain a degree of lucidity but i very often act out of character
also things get wild on the rare occasion a headmate is in front instead and they have the dream (itā€™s happened before, usually i end up slipping into front naturally as host anyways but for the portion it Isnā€™t Me, itā€™s. something)
usually theyā€™re based on present events, especially stressors that my brain is trying to process but very often dreams feature past or future shit as well as a side
thereā€™s no consistency in plot for the most part, there can be bits and pieces that make sense somewhat but most of the time it jumps around
phones in my dreamā€¦ probably in some of them yeah i just canā€™t think of examples off the top of my head
whole thing is non euclidean full stop, things shift as soon as iā€™m not looking at them, rules freely flow and alter and itā€™s honestly very frustrating

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oh yeah i will add i tend to be able to will myself to wake up if things are getting too bad, thank fuck
usually i can just visualize a ā€œquitā€ button LMAO
best dream trick ever 100% 5/5 recommend


I will also add that I very often see shit in my dreams and in the dream I think ā€œoh i GOTTA fucking draw thatā€ and then i wake up and forget it. but. on very rare blessed occasions i DO get to remember long enough to draw it hell fucking yeah
iā€™ve got a few headmates that originated directly from dreams, either simply as character concepts or in other wild ways
i post in my discord server when i have particularly memorable dreams, i could post those summaries in here
edit to add: i actually just woke up from a fucking dream where i saw these sickass designs and i was like I GOTTA DRAW THOSE but then shit happened in the dream and it distracted me and when i woke up i forgot all of it except one of them had 2 mouths and a skull mask

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