DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

@Hazardwaste Hey! I’m currently doing some work but I’m going to be here on and off, Do you have anyone specific you want to exe? I saw some comments about low posters but nothing definitive

Quava is pointing at the low posters being the wolves
(And to be fair also if its not one of the low posters its me)
But surely thats not that cut and dry. I feel like we would have had something more? Its hard to explain the feeling

I dont know vibes were just fully off.

I did read over kiiruma in my spair time.

Even though his opener did not pass a vibe check, his play style as evil i dont feel is present in this game. Usually he would be more active as evil and wouldnt try and put sus on me over pocketing me. Like he hasnt made a single attempt to pocket me. Unless he was prepared for me to think this and mind fuck me. I dont think this is evil kiiruma.

I think Gth (learnt that from Zug <3) i would throw Bylamir/Drinks or Quava onto the block.

Quava hasnt moved from Bottom null/Scum lean since day one for me. His interactions with Eliza just felt off… if i had an invest ability i would target them.

Drinks has been stuck in Null jail for their entire existence i just… fully dont know how to read them

Bylamir i am gonna be honest i forgot was in the game at all untill i actually re read stuff. I didnt hate how he dealt with voting yesterday but besides from that everything has been more of “Two bits” rather then actual info. But i was told inactivity is normal for this slot so i dont fucking know

But with Quava pushing bottom posters this feels off. You get what i mean? I think i am talking myself into circles i dont know what to do

Yeah its definitely weird that Guava could be a team with the people he’s pushing, perhaps they only need 1 mis-exe and they’re willing to double bus for it but that would in of itself be strange. More likely I think one of the low posters is town and we need to figure out which.

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@Kanave when you wake up compare this slot to Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

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You stole my neighbourhood from me in that game meanie


Sorry I needed someway to convince your teamate to misvote for us (She literally started hesitating and I ended up convincing other people instead LOL)


murked n1 then someone stole the bus from me.
this economy i swear

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i dont think all three low posters are evil. thats my gut.

but theres also like very little room left

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Main focus today is absolutely “hit correctly at any cost”, then we use the rest of the game to figure shit out from there

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I think in like a bit i will start to very slowly read through apo as much as its gonna kill me.

i wanna know what info she got

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unfortunatley I think I will head off for the night, I’ll definitely be back right when i wake up, hopefully we can hear from everyone by then since we’ve still got no concensous. I think I’m willing to vote in guava/drinks/kork/bylamir atm but that’s not certain


Nope cuz my ability does fuck all for town
Ruby knows me very well and gave me an incredibly selfish ability LOL

Sasuke Maki (ADG)
My passive is basically that I don’t have a passive LMAO it has a secret ability that has a trigger and

Spoilers for a discontinued fangan but like maybe someone out there cares

I’m pretty sure the trigger is me getting executed based on flavour

My active is a one-shot I choose someone and I only die if they die, I haven’t done it yet because I’ve been getting pushed every day why would they kill me

Well yeah the wolves aren’t gonna kill themselves

Like me you and Merpy
Me you Merpy Kana Apo Marl was like 90% of thread yesterday which is what I’ve been saying since the start of the day LOL

So you haven’t reevaluated any of your reads since day one…

If you deadass think I’m trying to double bus just kill me and then follow my legacy :man_shrugging:t2:
Like it’s not you it’s not Merpy it’s not Peach it’s not Meme and I think Kork is a neutral
If you kill me you have a 3/4 chance of hitting a wolf if you shoot into Hazzy/Drinks/Bylamir/Kiiruma

Wait Kork is voting Bylamir

VOTE: Bylamir

My role is pretty straightforward. It’s very easily fake-claimable. (Like it could’ve very easily have been a scum ability). I’m not a sheriff claim. That part was a 1-time hidden passive. I say this because, as scum, I wouldn’t want to claim TI here. Especially since I’d be an obvious kill target with an RB’ed doctor. If I didn’t wind up dead, it would be very clear that I’m scum. I don’t like taking those risks