EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

to be fair
i only told people you told yourself

and i knew your alias for
forever, essentially

xblade was noise
just resurrected by whysper
I didn’t plan that out, but honestly it would have been cool if whysper talked to me about wanting to get her ability off, would have helped her out

The xblade stuff was me trying to save flake, another noise, who trochi claimed to be

you weren’t subtle about it

but being truthful is not like a bad thing in these games. little incentive to betray someone you know over a complete unknown who might stab you

but if your group is bigger than 3 you gotta do the thonk and make sure you’re not on the bottom

randomly bring up my Alias asking me about it

i didn’t care to be
you couldn’t kill me if you wanted to

i could’ve killed you
but scor had higher priorities and i didn’t really care

I mean
While I couldn’t know your alias
I do feel like not being subtle about stuff is what leads to peoples down falls in most games

I just vibed with squid and blizer lmao

you would’ve died too if scor decided that you were important enough to

And that’s why scorbunny died

because they underestimated the average foler’s actions against someone who was vaguely kind to them

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hey now

we pumped like 17 collective damage into scorbunny, that’s our credit


But i also told Italy their alias

admittedly I had no idea it was scor

but still

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#1 rule of playing both sides: don’t be the one to end both sides existing

#2 rule of playing both sides: if you cause one side to get the upper hand, either follow through on getting them back into balance or make sure the side sees you as one of them and not low on their totem pole

that one was from squid actually

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ill dm it to you

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oh yeah I gave out like an item that gave a 2 dmg shot

squid doubled your basic attack for the following night

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