FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

leafia i think that may end with you getting too attached to the characters

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It lost its e gambling in Las Vegas.

Just lost another turbo as a JOAT ama.


dont americans usually spell it “that building two blocks off main st. that nobody walks into at all”

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i have played…7 or so games with cape in the past year? not really counting turbos but in that case the experience goes up

I’m not going to claim a sterling read rate on him, I have often wrongly suspected him, but I have a pretty decent sense for how he plays by now and the one time he was scum against me I sensed something was off pretty quickly.

as for the other stuff, dunno why you think me joking around is awkward?

Way too late for that. It’s something that happens to me a lot honestly. Especially with Bell,but enough about thay here.

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eh i just dont have a ton of thoughts honestly, no one really stands out to me

try to iso individuals
it works somewhat for me

cinemax is a blast fuck you

I kinda answered this already, it was vague, I just had some recollection of you vibing in the thread a bit and seeming in a jokey mood that felt >rand town in tone, on recheck it was less pronounced than I thought (and I might have conflated your presence with someone else’s). Read is still somewhat there in spirit but not in magnitude

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yea but I dont wanna

I will cin-max your feeble rpg characte into oblivion

I’m planning on going 100% real time for this. At least until the player list thins out a bit.

meteor shower

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this isnt even my final form

try to interact with a lower poster to form a read?

your reads have looked like they are believabe analysis rather than you forcing any sort of point like i’d expect from you as scum

don’t know what you find suspect, this is basically in line with how i’ve played as town on day 1 in my prior two huge games

then make some thoughts

What is your final form then?