FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

Amelia hasn’t spoken today

I guess im kinda fine with that shot too

how can u tell (have u read everything? wow)

Off-topic thought, but would changing “Let’s shoot Litten” to “Let’s shoot, Litten” be an acceptable change? It is a minor grammar change but it pretty much completely changes the meaning of the sentence.


Click on their @ in the first post.

(unless you meant to type “let’s shoot, litten” in the first place and you’re correcting it imo)

clicking a tag of someone (like in the op) brings up their pfp which you can use to iso

amelia’s just says nothing so they have 0 posts

Eh. There are better ways to read people than just comparing theirs readlists anyway.

Like experience wolf can easily fake all theirs reads. On the other hand, motivations, goals and interactions are… way harder to fake. Or even have ones, cause like… wolfs have wolf wincon.

If you really need, ask ahead for anything specific. Otherwise I won’t really bother.

Hm. That Proph flip is intriguing.

idk actually thats a good question

from the definition of what’s allowed probably not but unsure

click on a profile, you can generally find how many posts a player has

Amelia does not have this red circled thing, meaning they have not posted today

Partly disagree, and just names might be NAI but thoughts behind them isn’t (even if some individual reasonings can be NAI)

Anyway. i’ll take you up on that. Give ur progression on Cape from start of game to now. He’s been a hot topic and in a lot of stuff

/request votecount @Dark_Joycat

generally was a filler word that meant nothing

wanted to put that out there

wow. it’s way easier than i thought. i didn’t know u could do this

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My thought is that they will be alive till at least like day 4.
And I will probably defend them if you want to go for them today.

have you read any of my posts today? I’m the one that’s been hard defending cape the most in the thread

who is this everyone by the way :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh? Any particular reason why?

I feel like this looks kind of bad-ish for molly.

Looks like Proph’s treating her with kid’s gloves here where when I’ve seen him wolf he’s far more aggressive when it comes to pushing villagers.

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