FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

I didn’t count
I asked if I won but…nothing happened

… the more you talk about me, the more… unnatural this sounds, Blizer. Elaborate on this thought?

I got 100 pages into Gideon the Ninth and stopped

Need to pick it up back again

I had a perfect score :’)

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um. disagree. also, not everyone is gonna treat you the same

but no point having this discussion any deeper rly

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idk I think it has to do more with it just taking up their content?

OFC when people use that same read on me it’s annoying but eh

I still think you’re town now you mention it. I think you/Arctic can’t be wolves together.

i think your a good player on this site tbh, idk why you dont like me praising you as a player but okay[

Disagree for disagreeing.

Most people here don’t want to kill me day 2 in any circumstances.
And I’m fine with that.

Which means most of a time I would not be selected as ITA target. Rather someone who voted against lynching scum etc.

This target is extremely opportunistic. Reminds me bit of the “is vig town or scum” chart which was on MU load of time ago.

Truest News Source with Tess Ardent Issue #2 5/24/22


Hello ladies, gentlemen, and nyanbinary people. Welcome back to the second post on my blog, Truest News Sources With Tess Ardent. Today I have an important announcement to cover regarding ITA’s. The person who survives and dodges the most ITA’s by the end of the day will be given a prize. The second person who dodges the most ITA’s and survives will be killed. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


Cape90 just feels towny to me, he seems to be productive to the thread which is really hard in a giant mash

(DO NOT POST - FAM2 Day 1 Thread - #6323 by Chloe)


Chloe had nutella as lock V and knows her well, so im partly sheeping that

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good to know lmao

Thanks, I will let your explanations swish around in my head for a little bit

I will admit that I did not think about sulit’s posts as deeply as you did

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“The person who dodges the second most ITA shots”

I assume that’s what this is meant to say

I don’t handle praise well, but that’s not the issue here. The issue is that you seem to have concrete ideas about “the way the scumteam is playing around me”, but… I wasn’t here yesterday. Like, I think I made… eight? posts, and they were gorta-esque posts. So, what are you talking about here? Is there confirmed to be a slankvig somewhere?

OK, I will sheep Chloe as well then and add nutella to my villager pile

we are assuming that a slankvig killed Illwei cause he only had like 5 posts and they came from EoD

question is if its a wolf or town one


we have been talking about this a bit since start of day so uh yeah

I see. Noted.