FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

/vote Amelia @Dark_Joycat

Btw if Kii’s shot is silent, they should also be given major townpoints.

For claiming it openly.

whats your conclusion from that?
Because this post looks like IIoA to me. I haven’t read the rest of your posts, but this post feels like unnecssary IIoA.

IDK if it is silent or what.
Never asked

this is all I was looking at really when I said that but yeah it’s just a bunch of blah

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i like app and zone socially tbh
app more than zone
also i don’t feel like reading 800+ messages but im back



that was the entire point of the post my guy

You know you want to tunnel me lol, dont fight it

if thats me nice knowing y’all

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TBH I don’t really need to get townpoints.
I have faith in people’s ability to read me. At least some people’s ability.
I’ve also tried to show my true reads and takes in the events I’ve been in.
Heck I even ended up saying a read during the battleships event despite us not supposed to be discussing things in the game, in there. So oops



inb4 dies immediately

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oh its derps

eh shot

If they do then I’m gonna be screaming

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couldnt people deduce him shooting that rocket though? Given that he got it from an event?

Nobody would’ve known if he didn’t talk about it.


On top of this, I have the ability to stop the thing if I want to.
So I don’t think I’d have claimed that :man_shrugging: