FoL Awards 2023 - Nominations Thread


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Think Marshal beat you to it.

And is there for better.

Then you.

You gotta say “Third”

It can do a lot of stuff to fuck with town whether the packwolves know about its existence or not. It knows all the wolves, but it’s difficult for packwolves to find out what it does, so as a precaution of sorts, it has several vests and it gives some of its abilities to wolves whenever it’s attacked. It can also vig someone if it’s attacked by a wolf (so wolves don’t lose a kill from that).

On a similar note, I’d like to nominate @Atlas for Best Use of a Power Role in Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower.

The role

Atlas not only powerwolfed to help keep the packwolves off the chopping block, but also successfully baited them into targeting her with the factional kill, thereby allowing the wolves to gain an additional kill each night this happened.

I know it’s debatable whether that loophole for extra wolf kp should have existed in the first place, but Atlas made full use of it to achieve her wincon (and secure a win for the wolf team).


i’m nominating achromatic for best all-around player
about time somebody did this

he’s not lying

i could end the nomination there, because this kinda speaks for itself, but i would like to add that being such a good town player that you get n1d very frequently and yet still being able to endgame as a wolf is kinda insane

i feel like if you ever played with achromatic on this site, regardless of his alignment, you should feel like this nomination is deserved


Aww, what a sweet way to nominate me. I am honored, and I am so sincerely glad after our rough patch last year we got to win as both alignments a few times side by side and it is always really fun to solve with you, and tbh I really want to wolf with you again the theater was amazing.


I second this happily


fair, third.

It’s definitely deserved.

Did nobody second this? I’ll second this

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/Nominate Merpy for Rookie of the Year
Nothing more needs to be said



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screw it, have another nomination

this one might be premature but even if she never plays another game here again I feel quite comfortable making this nomination

I’m nominating tutuu for Most Enjoyable Player

she only played in 2 games thus far, true majority FM and mountainous amq, but she certainly made a good impression on basically all the players

she is very funny and she actively plays the game too, what else can you ask for really

more shitposty iso in the first game, more subdued and gameplay-focused in the second, I feel like when taken together they form a pretty good picture

I’d link directly to the isos but I don’t think it’s possible so you’ll have to open them yourselves :sob:


she played in FAM3 also


oh nice if I’m linking a closed thread it won’t embed

holy shit you responded in like 5 seconds how did you even read what I said


idk i clicked and saw the post and my eyes went to the bold and i was like “well ackshually”


you’re right though, I forgot she subbed into fam3 and I don’t think she even played a mash before in her life? still tried her best to contribute iirc

our history is extremely rocky but I still feel extremely comfortable with nominating you :) keep being epic