Fortress Plays Imps - 10000, Gnomes - 100, Dragons - 0 (Game Over (for now))

because I don’t see the point of going to the armoury for either

if we want to not meme and help the gnomes it would make more sense to go to military

Oh, and interesting that both Armory and Explosives goes to Crystals for a miss. Hmmm…

we go to military
what do we do

I thought Armory went to smth else

help the gnomes with tactics

the general has been established as a dick who won’t listen to us

Magnet doesn’t sound good and therefore it will be

I am genius

I assume the reason we’re going to armoury is so we don’t get killed by whatever is in the mountains but that’s coward talk

kill him

we are the general

It says 2A for both Armory and Explosives. I think 2A is Crystals if I’m reading the chart correctly.

I thought you always drop to the room one down and one to the right


worst case:

we can’t do anything there until we have some sort of equipment

likely case:

we get some equipment we can use for exploration

best case:

probably not much better than likely case

so basically arming the gnomes is pointless cause they suck

I’d say this is more likely the case with the Nest than the Armory

unless we give them explosives or some other sort of weapon

Worst case is we die

so lets get some bombs and go to the dragon lair

Yes, the odds of success are lower the higher up. But the odds of success also get lower as we lose days. So if we ever want to go to top floor, it is better to do so earlier. And just guessing that top floor might be good since it is harder to get there and you can’t get there from a miss.