Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Not one bit surprised you’d say this but what I’m saying is true regardless of my actual alignment which is town.

This and I’d have no reason to go against Eevee like this if I was scum considering the anticlaim.

you’re complaining about this a lot more than everyone else for like no reason
if Eevee gets shot, he gets shot
what are you trying to gain from trying to argue that he should die?
you’re literally trying to convince the man to accept death

@eevee have you actually claimed what neut you are?

No I’m not. I’m trying to explain why I think the way I do. What would I have to gain from this as scum? What do I have to gain from this as town? That’s what you need to be asking yourself Wazza. Same with the villagers too.

Leafia, how many times I won as neutral against you?

2? 3? At least 2.
I would go for it, if I had tools.

But again.
Non-immune arsonist, vulnerable to be found by ALL prs. Back then also vulnerable to be just killed by vig or mafia. Vulnerable to all blocks. And endgame if mayor is left alive, without any way to figure out if citizen is mayor in reality (which mafia has in name of consig).

I realistically think that cooperating with town, and even if I just pick up the game the moment town fails, is better chance for me to win than just going normally.


Why didn’t you just claim exe then? That would’ve been the better option. I honestly thought that’s what you were claiming at first.

Eevee is trying to convince me more than anyone else so don’t try to make it look like it was for no reason.

Because you’re this type of player who just acts on impulse, you don’t think, you did it all throughout SFoL 67 which is one of the game with the best examples

because you’re interacting with him
if you just
he wouldn’t care

He literally would and sldon’t give me that impulse BS. You’ll say just about anything to make me look bad, won’t you? You aren’t even considering anything else in your read on me. That’s at least partly why I’m convinced that you’re just a wolf right now.

Cause it would change nothing?
4 different invests able to disprove it AND becoming main target for such of?

And at any moment it’s disproven, instantly being eliminated.

If I want to cooperate, it needed to be from the start.

I know what eevee is doing and it’s crazy it actually worked but lol

You’re taking the most NAI stuff from me and twisting it to try and make it look wolfy. Unless you think wanting town to win is wolfy.

Literally just fucking ignore him then
I don’t give a shit what you do but the fact you’re interacting with him is making him respond to you
Stop being as blind as a bat for once in your life, Leafia, read the god damn room and read what you’re doing, I’m not even saying this to suspect you I’m saying that what you’re doing is pointless, jesus fucking christ

Actually, my main thought rn is why did you talk about mafia roles to disprove confirmability when whole conversation started from neutrals.

It was weird.

It would change a lot actually. You’re assuming we actually have invests which isn’t guaranteed or that they’d check you to make sure you’re talelling the truth or assume you weren’t just fakeclaiming nuet as town again which you have a history of doing.

I mean, I need to convince literally everyone. Otherwise it’s going to be super easy for mafia to just eliminate them.

Cause on contrary, they need to use action to off me.
So a lynch on me if dorm theirs PoV removing source of setup knowledge AND makes focus on someone else.

Which I am aware of. Meaning that needs me to talk to pretty much everyone and convince them to work out.

Because it does just that. If someone is roleblocked, it doesn’t confirm the rber is a roleblocker because they could be consort too. And just because someone claims invest and gives three possible roles for someone with one being correct doesn’t prove them invest because they could be a consig and you literally asked me how some roles weren’t confirmable.