Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20


@Achromatic what happened to your read on me lmao

And yet, now, my claim is one of likeā€¦ 7 claims which are either vanilla or insane (Basically vanilla)

So I do hate to say it, but it really shouldnā€™t be suspicious when you consider the amount of claimants.

or like
all of them are suspicious

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Fair, but, Iā€™m just saying Pigeonā€™s picking out my individual claim there and is like ā€œWell, thatā€™s susā€ whenā€¦ so many others have also said so now lol

fair enough
i townread you anyway so eh
doesnt really matter to me

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itā€™s because pigeon is just a wolf, plain and simple

I told you this earlier, but no GoRtA iS ScUm

literally pigeon is looking for an escape here, he tried getting Amelia voted without even doing an ISO or saying anything prior to the vote post, asked why certain people werenā€™t on Achoā€™s shot list (people who were clear mechanically), and such. So tell me, do you think itā€™s possible heā€™s trying to vote you because he thinks people would vote you instead?

Can someone give me a claimlist pls

itā€™s up there somewhere

but I think you just die here today pigeon

Yeah these arenā€™t the towniest of slots

surely you could case us then because last time I remember you just called me null

why arenā€™t those slots towny?

also Iā€™m going to pass out

Beancat ISO time!

Uhhhh, what the heck. You donā€™t pop in on post 381 with this. A wolf might do that to increase votes to guarantee a Townieā€™s death

This just looks like baiting for towncred, and the reads look soft enough that this could be W/W (unlikely) or a read she wants to be able to back out of to get a townie executed

This feels like irrelevant fluff

Well we can dump this in the trash since Wind is revealed IC, but it does look like fishing for a misexecution

Mmmm this could go either way. Scum lean here though, it looks like a scum wants to make sure they do things to keep themselves townread

Welp most of the people here are confirmed V
Though this feels like thereā€™s TMI about Brad

Is there a reason I shouldnā€™t vote this

Are you happy now

Alright I have to sleep now
Iā€™ll see yā€™all at some point before EoD