Health Conditions

Probably also easier to just get more active on extracurriculars/group stuff

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But anyways, you will also need a hobby, something you love in life. There’s no shame in loving something that’s not a crime.

For example, I love language learning and also spending alot of time on Coursera and also listening to freakin’ friday night funkin mod music.

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Hmmmm joining a reading club


A common goal that 2+ people share while cooperating is the most common and weirdest way to get friends.

During world war 2, Imperial Japan hates Germany for taking over Poland because Japan and Poland were both working together to spy on the russians.

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And don’t forget how Britain and France teamed up because both of them were under threat.

-Trying to be optimist (when adopting new habits, you must keep at them even if you seem to fail. For example like trying to quit smoking but then not being able to resist and you smoked a cig, you don’t give up, because that’s a progress that gets better with time. Besides there’s no harm in seeing things from a good light.)
-The way you think will affect the way you feel. (Oops I dropped my pencil, up you go/This freaking stupid pencil just can’t stay on the table can it)
-Get proper sleep, this is a must, sleep is not something you can skip, your body needs it.
-Proper diet, because junk food affects the brain. (You can learn how to cook, it’s not quite hard considering the billion of receipes you have there, you can even make a homemade burger and be it heathier!!)
-You must exercise at least 30 minutes because it improves mental health and makes one happier.
-Live in the present (mindfulness)
-Drink at least 2 liter of water (for the brain)
-You need to do something you enjoy, a hobby.
-The environment that makes you feel negative needs to be reduced. If there’s something that will constantly bother you, that will never make you resilient to it.
-Don’t instantly expect the worst from people, until they actually do the worst. Impulsiveness like you see on twitter is the reason why the whole dumpster is on fire and nobody is friendly to one another.

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And yeah, you need people that will be there for you. A social circle, a support system. Even one rando online can make you feel better than feeling isolated. Humans are social creatures, they do need to interact with other humans, but of course not to like overwhelming extremes.

And remember that most people have any level of kindness within them, because kindness is a trait found in all social creatures on the planet, there are people who are merciless but they’re the exception. There’s always somebody who cares about you.

I don’t even know you and I started to ramble in like 30 posts about how you can self-help

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Another example, is “Cancer rates has dramatically raised by 30%, specifically skin cancer is more possible because of the pollution and how it affected the ozone layer”, whenever some information are true or not, which you start to slightly believe in. It will affect you emotionally.

Filling your brain with negative, dark things will make it negative and dark.
Filling your brain with positive and lighthearted stuff will make it positive and more lighthearted.

But anyways, I must stop my rambles :joy_cat:

@Whysper Heyyy do you have any advice to give?


Another follow-up on this, controversial take. Uninstall tik tok if you have it and don’t look at structures that are similar to it. It decays attention span, self-control and well, once again the entire thing with impacting your thinking.


Hmmmm, not sure if this is a call for advice from “old people”. :ayaya: Though I was delighted to learn recently that Leafia is actually a couple years older than me. :ayaya:

A lot of your advice is spot on. Though I suppose a lot of it is the regular stuff you hear about drinking water and sleeping well and all. Everyone hears that they should do those things, but people still don’t necessarily heed it. Haha, I still tend to drink lots of coffee instead of pure water. :ayaya:

But one item you mentioned was something I’d like to emphasize. Taking up hobbies is definitely something that helps add vigor into your life.

There was a time when I basically did nothing for hobbies. People would ask, “So what do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies?” and I’d be like “Ummmm, yeah, well, I like reading… and listening to podcasts…” :ayaya:

A reading club is at least something beyond just reading alone. Discussing books with people makes it a worthy hobby.

In Taiwan, I joined a board game group for a time. That was a great feeling to just get together with people and learn a variety of new games.

After moving to the US, I recently took up fencing and love it! I had always dreamed of doing something like that but just never took the initiative. Now I can tell people I’m a fencer. :ayaya:

I’ve also started learning guitar on my own. I’ve always wanted to learn an instrument but never put the time into it. I want to have a talent I can use and show people someday if the situation comes up. And I think guitar is something that could be relaxing just to play by myself even.


Wow you’re already joining clubs where you have to interact with people. I wouldn’t know if this would end up as well as your experience.

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It’s funny if you think about it in a mafia perspective as their excuse why they are being wolfy.

Got a good ol’ case of ADHD

Also found out that drinking coffee causes me to have panic attacks, which is why I gotta be careful when drinking my 20 cups of tea per day


We can say it’s pretty scary for you to drink coffee

Ah I had the same. The best fix for it imo is waking up a bit earlier if you can. You’ll feel energized by the time you need to rather than drugging yourself for the same effect.

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I didn’t join anything physical, but I always do the same routine of reading a chapter a day and then discussing it with my friends who love the saga I’m currently reading. Yesterday’s was particularly productive because I just noticed the book isn’t just a fantasy story, it’s anti-war propaganda.


I limited severely my access to all social media but Discord (where I just disabled sound/badge notifications so I only check it when I want, on my terms) and Whatsapp (which I seldom use and it’s mostly for important stuff anyway). And I didn’t know how good that was until I did. I also stopped subbing to FFXIV (no really good motive other than I’m sick of it) and I just noticed how much free time I have now since I’m not "main"ing any videogame lol.

But the thing that did the best for me was setting a routine. I had forgone my old one two years ago and forgot how reliant I am on it. But having a set routine (I study from this hour to that one) prevents the “omg I should be studying now not wasting my time” burden on your shoulders. Which I also didn’t notice how much it weighed until I was free of it.

I still have time wasters, but I found them to be more interesting and fulfilling. It just sounds better to say “yesterday I spent the entire afternoon reading about gendered violence in wars and then I edited a thousand words in Wikipedia” than “got a new level up on a videogame”. They’re also easier to stop since it needs an acute attention span, which is tiring. Downside is that I often will do it right before my study times and be tired when I start studying but lol nerd

In general I’m pretty self-managing. I have the ability to think on my situation, what is causing it and what to do and the initiative to do the fucking thing as well. My psychologist knows that and will only give the subtlest of nudges (and correcting my wrong self-analysis from time to time) rather than the “ye should do that” approach. Took me time to recognize/respect it.