Helluva Boss Mafia - Mafia Victory

Oh I actually forgot the SoD flavor exists, love it.

Well I can explain what I see

this play by play turned out ultra long and I already summarized my takeaways, last night

Chihiro votes you after you link him the voting rules for some reason (which I don’t get, but I still stand by this being a weird move for pocketing)

You vote him back, but add an emoji, so I can see why he thinks it’s just a joke-y reaction for the ungratefulness you cited, which is obviously a thing bc he used a vote instead of, y’know, thanks

Ashlyn hops in to vote you for some reason - which, I can see the pocketing angle here

Then you vote Ashlyn, and Tsumugi votes her too at the same time (hence the “see you get me, Zone” bc it’s like you guys had a mindmeld), but makes sense because that was a weird vote from Ashlyn considering even from my POV it looks like you guys kinda are joking I guess, and he explains as much

Then you claim that you weren’t memeing, but it was with an emoji, and I can see that being interpreted as “still not serious”

Chihiro’s like, “well you unvoted,” and you agree that technically you did, but with another emoji, and then Chihiro’s like “unvoted = memeimg/og vote is a joke”, and then finally you outright say, you didn’t unvote, without an emoji also.

So… yeah, it’s really just the emojis, but anyways imo it was a little hard to tell that you were for sure for sure with the vote until the last part. Though in retrospect it’s a bit more visible, maybe. First time through, no.

Also, Ashlyn didn’t even explain a single thing, which imo makes the vote more understandable by itself.

but basically the tl;dr is

can you explain the chihiro vote being pockety

and how can w!ashlyn be pocketing t!tsumugi who’s trying to pocket you as town, or vice versa with t!ashlyn and w!tsumugi or both town or both wolf or something, how would that work

or if you’re saying defend, it’s also kinda weird, idk. I think it’s a bit extreme

I play with him, don’t really pick up on his meta.

Yeah I don’t go with meta play as well. I live in the present, not the past.

Isn’t that equally as good? Still shows you were subconsciously thinking about finding others town and stuff, which imo is towny

I think I usually apply that as a general town indicator, even if you think it’s small or whatever

it was an RVS vote

He voted Ashlyn with me. That alone looks like pocketing for my favor.

Wdym how? They literally just did that.
At first I was half-joking, half-serious about OMGUS’ing Chihiro, and then I moved on to OMGUS Ashlyn because it looks like she was pocketing Chihiro, and then I feel as if Chihiro was trying to pocket me. Which part of this do you not understand?

Huh… I just find it odd that he wasn’t triggered enough to vote me when I provoked him, and I dunno whether this is AI or not.

Do you think that RVS is over? Why are you unvoting now?

I hope it’s over; it’s nearly been a day

So what’s the reason for deciding to sheep Lemon suddenly?

It’s been 18 hours; 30 more to go. VC’s spread among 5 people; we are clearly still divided / unclear about who will be today’s scapegoat.

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It looks more like he decided to vote Ashlyn on his own and it just happened to be posted after your vote, not that he looked at your vote and was like, hmm yeah let me sheep Zone

Yeah but that doesn’t mean we aren’t out of RVS

Not that, I’m saying 1. why would town!Ashlyn pocket Chihiro 2. why would town!Chihiro pocket you 3. why would wolf!Ashlyn pocket scumbuddy!Chihiro, this chain of pocketing doesn’t make sense and therefore I don’t think your statement works out unless you think somehow there’s a reason for one of the above

Was it? Hang on.
*checks posts*
One minute difference… Eh, that’s within margin.
Okay, I guess I can see what you mean.

…? Well in that case I hereby declare that we are out of RVS, and anyone who still votes randomly are just voting randomly for the sake of going against my words instead of voting randomly and prodding for reactions.

With that out of the way: Start voting for real.

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Ok fair

Anyways I’m stupid

Ok I gtg now, am getting off the car

Will be back later!

  1. IDK what Ashlyn’s and Chihiro’s alignments are.
  2. Anyone and everyone wants to make themselves look good, whether it be directly (e.g. by means of pocketing others) or indirectly (e.g. by paying more attention to scumhunting), so I don’t understand why you even bother asking a question equivalent of “Why would a human breathe?”
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wheres that one copypasta