Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Not really
Hesitance on leafia slips is warranted

im so tired
what if we voted me so i can join dead chat

im so tired
what if we voted me so i can join dead chat

This is my last post
You guys should trust the towngoddess that is me, Aelin

Also im retracting my bee locktown cus idk anymore

ok the thing i’m stuck on rn is why does dumeevee try to townread leafia when thread says it’s idrc vs leafia today
why not just fully dome and push it

but also

no thats my privelege

you dont get to escape the mess of a LyLo you created

Cheeseburget sprouts wolf ears and tail :sleepingleafeon:

i retract ur mom


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I’m assuming the question is why would w!idrc do that


words r hard

Anyways, thats about all i had to say.

If i had to pick a wolf right now i would

/vote @cat but this is only slightly above fpsers because no matter how badly biased the cases by fpser were they to belive them imo

Imagine they just dome Leafia and do nothing else towny
Then it’s the next day, there’s no leafia, and they’re still on the chopping block

im leaning lbw still idfk

can my mind stop being a seesaw


To those of you alive in LyLo, the idrc committee wishes you luck.

There will be no further communication.

but to make it there you gotta stay alive today and that was probably best way for wolf idrc to get there

On a scale from yes-16 do you trust me

assuming that the wolf is in idrc/LBW – the wolf needs to get an execution outside of those two names to win the game

i’m… i guess the easiest target, since both of them have shaded me at various points today

but i do think in that position id aim for that today


life is pain
