Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

this game just started how is it over


Which game is opening next?

GG @beancat @lol

we had a rough start and did the common mistakes average wolf teams do but managed to snowball hard

there are a lot of lessons to take from this

but yeah I enjoyed our mafia banter. no offense to anyone!!



I am so sorry. I really wanted to roll town ;(

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crazynuto uses he/they pronouns

@Zorvo first of all misty was not town in this game

secondly please stop quoting me in random games to prove your point when it’s clearly for the sake of dunking on me for no reason, it’s beginning to piss me off

thirdly I didn’t pay much attention to this game so I have no idea how good or bad you did and I also don’t care

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It was great playing with you again. I wish I was teamed with you. I hope we get to play more.

My initial thoughts were

“Oh shit Crazy is taking down “lol” for that”

but after reeval, we figured the odds were quite low. town tend to ignore the obvious signs sometime and just act on what was in their memory or what influenced them mostly during the day

yeah we pretty much started taking control mid day 1. up until then we had no communication or plan so two of my partners ended up bussing me for no reason, cant blame them.

I was just trying to show that wolf can be Townie and even players like you are capable of being fooled.

I’m Bad.

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We realized she is Jailkeeper way early into the game. Later on we had some doubts on it because @Kiiruma did a good job roleswapping on d1.

So basically we wanted Etha out but on a reeval Kiiruma Jailkeeper equity went up. we submitted a roleblock on Kiiruma just in case.

Kill had nothing to do with Bean push.

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the average FoL experience

Zenon kill was the best kill for mafia team. We kinda gambled here.

Crazynuto left the day with a vote on Zenon. Wine was tasty ngl

This is so true.

I was getting nervous when people started voting Jormok after me that EOD. I didn’t fold though and it paid off. I also felt better intuitively staying on Jormok the entire time.

is this Joy from MU?

host is such a nice guy not letting us slowroll this

speaking of hosts, we really need one more flavor post. I have been enjoying them a lot. it makes the whole experience special

I need like self control tbh.

If I don’t start going over bored and maybe post less, I might be a better player.

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