Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

That’s fine imma dip on this thread cause this isn’t fun and I’m not trying to hurt my mental health for mafia anymore


Truly vodka
Mango seco

would you say the same thing if it was a regular townie?

zenon is definetly town stop trying to out the PR’s you’re openwolfing
VOTE: Zorvo

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honesty i thought you were an alcoholic i only read the rolelist after i saw the kill

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why lmao

nut is not town i have meta

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Blatant shading and trying to force a narrative.

And you have 327 but if you took all of the content and made it into something more well rounded, it’d be closer to 100. I am capable of leading town, by providing reads and directions for us to be able to look at. You literally said before that I’m strong, now you’re wanting to back down from it so you can push a different narrative.



idk what he is talking about but this is classic town zorvo
VOTE: crazynuto

Can i have some

Also I’m back

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I stg…

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Kiiruma lock town holy fuck this is towny as fuck if you kill Kii I’m gonna lose it

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Kiiruma lock town holy fuck this is towny as fuck if you kill Kii I’m gonna lose it


VOTE: nuto

This was so true and based FoL posted it twice just so you understood it.

The towny indignation permeates my soul.

Imma cry if Kii is wolf.

its towny but kiruma is straight up wrong he’s not a town leader if he was he would have any ammount of thread presence. he’s sitting in the back and seems fine doing so i dont see why the need to own zorvo unless his ego was hurt

man made one post and left

The honest to God only player I’d call a leader right now is beancat

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town leader is you and zorvo right now

too bad theres a civil war going on right now

i dont think i saw 5 posts from beancat the only thing of note is im suprise they have so many posts cause i always had the idea they were a slanker

remember someone saying they think slankers have a lot of the wolves and i agree im pretty confident top 3 posters are all town

feels like a game where town is eating itself and mafia is just letting it happen