[LONG TERM] Fortress of Football


I give up

You wouldn’t have to watch real time and i handle stat counting

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also reminder

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What if you don’t want to associate with people through football?

Isn’t American “football” rugby?

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basically yes, however it’s a lot more safe than rugby is


I know nothing about of either or those sports
I have absolutely no strategy
There’s no way I could lose!



the seahawks’ season is pry much over so may as well

/in if we get to name our own teams.

you do, in a hoi4mp so gimem a bit to get to yall

@Leafia @Squirrel2412

Then I’m in. ^_^

I just got into American football last year so I know basically nothing, but I’d like to play please!


idk how to play

can I join

sorry babe can’t come to dinner

im literally hitler

yes i can guide you


My team is the goddamn BACKSTREET BOYS

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Testing something rq

testing again

one more time