Mafia: Trials and Tribulations [Thread 1 - DO NOT POST]

i play differently in smaller games than to mashes i’m absolutely convincable on this one
go on, try me- why exactly is leafia so wolfy? and what exactly is the problem with my reasoning?

What do you mean too advanced? Have I not explained my reads well enough? I can go over them in more detail if you like.

no i mean you seem like a good player and i’m wary around good players for obvious reasons

Sister your ass backwards logic is just a fancy way of saying “Leafia is a shit villager so these wolfy things she is doing makes her town!”

Legitimately have some respect. Not for me, for your opponent.

Leafias backtrack into trying to pocket me is something she literally did verbatim in the blue dragon sfol where windy and I were masons.

So if you don’t want to listen to me, fine, but I’m not gonna sit here and listen to you be smug about it until either leafia flips or the game ends.

marl have you not read a single thing i’ve been saying- i am not making that argument, there is a particular kind of wolfy thing Leafia does as villager that she doesn’t do as wolf

what the hell did i miss

I’m not talking about leafia anymore until close to eod, I need to figure out the rest of the playerlist that I’ve been uncertain on to try to find her partners

marl why exactly are you making me out to be the unreasonable one here when your reasoning is so unsubstantiated- what exactly proves that she’s doing The Exact Same Thing Again and not simply that she’s trying to convince you of something?

And I’m telling you you are wrong and your blatant overvaluing of your own brilliant theory is going to make you incapable of listening to anything that tries to say otherwise

at least i have a theory

And I have the FM experience. You can read as many theory books as you want but it isn’t going to help you in the long run.

We aren’t going to agree so we should just stop before it derails and detracts from the game. I’m going grocery shopping and when I get back I’m not arguing anymore. I suggest you do the same.

okay well like i guess we can just ignore each other? i’m sorry if i do genuinely come across as unflexible but it’s either this or be crippled with self-doubt, and don’t call this AtE, I am just being honest here

uh, anyway? who else is in this game?

I’m still here.

Overall I didn’t like Marl’s reaction, he still continues to feel like he is all bark and no bite. Which fundamentally is the reason I dislike his slot so much in the first place.




Have the highest scum equity based on what I’ve seen so far.

I’m starting to see it

BTW unless you all wanna vote a town member don’t vote Italy or Leafia today.

Sure this can be TMI since you guys like to play like that.

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