Mafia: Trials and Tribulations [Thread 1 - DO NOT POST]

/Vote Maria @Host_Account_3

Someone help me jump start this wagon

Wisdom, I understand your frustration, but we are literally giving you a chance to clear yourself here if you’re actually town


I can oblige, sure. But don’t forget I hate that mechanic and I am very verbal about it.

yet. mafia can do actions and kill in same sequence

/vote Maria

/vote maria
You heard my gripes with this

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Day 2 Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Wisdom Prophylaxis, Alkali, ElizaThePsycho 3/8
Maria-Theresa Litten, Frostwolf103, Atlas 3/8
Apprentice Lucky, Leafia 2/8
Kiiruma Maria-Theresa 1/8
Leafia Marluxion 1/8
Lucky Kiiruma 1/8
ElizaThePsycho Wisdom 1/8
Not Voting Apprentice, Italy, Millium 3
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/Vote Leafia @Host_Account_3
People are voting Maria so I’m gonna join in by voting my RB target :D


@Wisdom read on maria?

mafia backup is sweating rn

Then we do need one voter on each tie wagon

when’s the last time we had a sweep as town



I guess realistically wolf wisdom could have done this to get them to out their roles
like, that’s a pretty valid reason if you watch the person you kill and they don’t die
which would explain why wisdom asked if docs can self target LMAO

Wait what the hell lol i never put this together

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it also explains why their reasoning is so bad there because it was just a cover up for outting roles
like, come on, you didn’t even try to give them a chance, you outted one of them as confirmed scum over a hunch

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Why does a watcher who doesnt see the person they watch selftarget think or care about that

Where did that thought come from

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Litten ily

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I targeted Proph because he felt like a likely wolf target, not necessarily the factional kill but at least some kind of target.

Maybe it was hubris from last game but I was sure I had useful results when I watched not only one but TWO people.

And like, what roles would exists for three townies to target the same player? Like, I doubt any investigative (except watcher) or any killing role would have target him.

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unfortunately there’s a small problem with this and that’s the fact that i’m actually infinite guiltless strongman vig

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how long have you held the belief that multiple town can’t tsrget the same guy

It’s also really weird you keep saying THREE TOWNIES
your role means nothing as to their alignments for visiting proph!