Mafia: Trials and Tribulations [Thread 2] - Day 7 (4/17) - Mafia Win!

good we are on the same page

Litten: ā€œI may not be able to do what i promised but iā€™ll still at least winā€ he thought to himself

that being said
working backwards I do think leafia behavior with wisdom was w/w
and the fact that they pushed me when I told them that them and leafia were w/w is really intereting
which makes me think that you could just be a wolf with them
cause they are a v if you are a v (iā€™m not going to buy mechanics stuff)

man why is past me so much funnier than present me
and NOBODY laughed at that

dont remember this can you quote it

also to be clear
you would be dead either by night kill or by execution
you are a pain to deal with when iā€™m a w
you know this
this is why i night killed you n1 in a previous game
i would have killed you over wisp
even if it cleared wisdom, I bet i could still execute them if I threw in enough paranoia

also how the heck do you remember it

yeah but how do i know you didnā€™t literally attempt to kill me

you said at SOD you think frost used some kind of lightningrod

this was the post I was talking about, it was merely a troll though so it wasnā€™t a real read at the time

Also this post is another one that proves Iā€™m just a villager. I voted Leafia immedaitely cause they did something that I caught them for in the hydra game. They let off the gaspedal very quick and it came off as though they didnā€™t care about the alignment.

also iā€™d like to think though we may have some potatos on this farm, people arenā€™t silly enough to literally vote out wisdom in spite of me being flipped with an effective green on them

they voted out eliza
despite me reading your iso talking about how they were lock town
itā€™s very clear anything is possible with enough votes

they were also lock town who didnā€™t die for the entirety of the game
voting them out was dumb and i should have pushed harder for crich yesterday

it was literally the first couple posts of the game marl
I also donā€™t take actual notes but take mental notes of the game so I can reference them later, which is why I also seem to know where posts are in a general sense.

you probably should have
I probably should have defended eliza harder there but after I lynched two villagers in a row who I thought would probably flip scum (lucky less though) my confidence in my reads took a hit
and the game didnā€™t make sense regardless of where I looked
so I just let you do whatever you wanted to
and if you lynched a wolf I wouldnā€™t have tinfoiled you ever again

the only post that i can vividly remember from the previous thread was you saying leafia is a time bomb who needs to be bussed or something like that

iā€™ve had you as tinfoil in my brain ever since and it might be the single reason we end up losing if youā€™re town

we lose if we are both town because either wisdom is a wolf or Iā€™m an idiot who used mechanics to determine the last couple of executions to rule out teams.

press x to doubt
iā€™m pretty sure you would have taken me to lylo just to try to misyeet me still

i feel like that kind of thing would be a mark of pride for you, misyeeting obvtown marl

If I ws a wolf
Totally, I would have tried to execute you again. Since Iā€™m a villager though, I wouldnā€™t have.

we dont lose arete loses
we shift the blame onto them for creating this abominaton

this is a distinct possibility yes

that being said
that is the reason Iā€™m town
I do consider executions a mark of pride for me as a w
and I havenā€™t gotten any marks this game that were that impressive