2 shot even night cop
3 shot motion detector
2 shot bodyguard
aware sleepwalker
1 shot gladiator
5 vt


2 shot slank vote remover
joat (1x roleblock 1x ninja 1x hammerer)

i mean honestly this setup is probably pretty townsided in a vacuum

idk why half of the villa roles exist

i’m way more tenacious than most players and probably explain my reads in ways which sound decently smart but this doesn’t really correlate to accuracy

I don’t think they will care.

Clearly we need to invite Alice to play more games. That should improve the town win rate.

you have actual reasoning
i can talk to you and ask “hey does this make x look wolfy”
and we can talk about it like primates

3-Shot Motion Detector
2-Shot BG
2-Shot Even Night Alignment Cop
1-Shot Gladiator
Compulsive Visitor
5x Vanilla Townie
3-Shot Neapolitan
3-Shot JOAT (RB, Ninja, Hated modifier)
2-Shot Thug

Worst case scenarios:
Town Sweep:
D1: Mafia executed - 10v2
N1: BG gets in way of kill, motion detector sees the killer visit, 9v2
D2: Mafia executed - 9v1
N2: Cop finds last mafia - 8v1
D3: Mafia executed - 8v0

Town win D3

Mafia Sweep:
D1: Town gladiates town, gladiator executed - 9v3
N1: BG doesn’t get in the way of the kill, motion detector sees nothing. - 8v3
D2: Town member treestumpized, town executed - 7v3
N2: Cop finds town, cop or check dies, motion detector sees nothing - 6v3
D3 - Town member treestumpized, town executed - 5v3
N3 - Cop dies, motion detector sees nothing - 4v3
D4 - LyLo, town executed

Mafia win D4

so, yes
slightly townsided and i was aware of this pregame

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We shouldn’t have to relay on experienced players to do stuff for us.
We should work together and do stuff ourselves!

yes cause that went well :wowee:


There’s a reason why Gandalf only gave advice to men on how to defeat Sauron.

as our feline friend once said

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BTW flying eagles to Mordor would have ended horribly for the Fellowship.
Only a stealth mission would have worked and flying eagles to Mordor isn’t a stealth mission.

i’d rather be able to understand someone then wildly guess they’re right

ime Alice is a better wolf than a villager and also this came out of literally nowhere what


Look at how you’ve reacted to being pushed. It’s not villagery at all. In fact, it’s pretty close to how women reacts to being pushed if I recall correctly.


didn’t gandalf literally send a hobbit with the ring as the key factor in defeating sauron

just thinking out loud

dont think gladiator has any reason to exist beyond “you like it”

MD/sleepwalker is a combination of roles that is a thing i guess i dont personally like it but it isnt inherently bad

i think the mafia neapolitan is arguably negative utility in this setup because half of the villagers will ping as non-VT and literally none of them are useful roles except maybe the cop lol

if i randed any of the village PRs except the two investigatives id probably just claim d1 and not use my role (if glad/bg) or :joy_cat: in thread (sleepwalker)

dno, i don’t really think the thug fits in a setup like this either but thats just my opinion:tm:

this probably sounds more negative than my actual opinion is because these are mostly personal gripes and ive seen significantly worse lol

worst part of it is the weeb flavor tho smh


btw uh
who performed what night action

Everyone is a better wolf member on this site.