Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

lemme give you an example:

Room 1
Room 2:
Room 3

There are 6 peoplke

Room 1 Has 4 People
Room 2 Has 2 People
Room 3 Has 0 People

Since Room 1 has the highest number of people, everyone in that room is eliminated unless special stuff happens


Oh god, the mind games :ghost:

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oh yeah ping me on discord when this starts plz

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New Revelation spelling just dropped :blobby:


look i’m trying my best ;(

I forgot that I’m actually unavailable for the entire duration of this game :wowee:


Oh ur fluttering away? ):
Bye bye

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You seem to know a lot about me. I thought you left before I showed up? Is the chronology in my head wrong?


Yes i’m almost certain we knew one another briefly

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But it’s possible i played some games with you on clocktowercord instead and am misremembering

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iirc you both played in sfol 63?

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Which was N.1’s last game

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Have you heard about our lord and savior, Minority Rule?

For every new person that Joins minority rule in the next 24 hours I’ll write them a poem (you can’t out immediately after receiving your poem or I will find you)

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Can I out and then in for a poem?

I love poems

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I also would prefer to not be 2 in the player list – it’s my least favorite number and is often associated with things going horribly wrong for me somehow

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There are two games that I’ll play on this site: Grande Ideae, and Minority rool


Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
The wind is cool
And you are too

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oh noes my embers

i shall surely die within the hour

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