[MISC] Minority Rule - Itemized Insanity [GAME OVER - NO VICTOR]

No friends allowed

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only lovers.

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Welp time to die ig

it’s the best room so everyone prpbabl6 picked it thinking they were clever

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the best room is valentine >:(

i picked normal

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the best room is the room that lets me get a knife

devout status is overrated

phobic is where it’s at

I mean theres also

…was it blessing? Whichever one blesses one person

Deathproof is nice and they mighta banked on others being scared

if only one person picks it do they get both
do they cancel out like pemdas

Im just in denial

No its 1 gets bless, everyone else gets curse

So theyd only get bless

phobic is a scary status

I mean anti-social was possible here

to be fair there would be so many rooms the next round that you should be able to get a room that would cure you


it would be damn near impossible to cleanse yoyeeelf of that effect

normal was a lie

Us: discussing strategy

Everyone else: why no friend ):

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it’s just reverse cultist

makes the game interesting