[Misc/RP(?) Interest Check] Fodlán's Hope: Three Ambitions

do neutrals have a personalized win threshold then

In this huge misc…
There is 5 factions, and a total of 7 neutrals in the full 62 player game.

Else there is a total of 2 Neutrals in the 39 player game.

Neutrals have to complete their specific missions to win.

The both of them will be highly sought after by all the factions. It doesn’t matter to them, they just want to earn more money. They start in a random location and will travel together.

The remaining 5 neutrals will appear accordingly when the playercount goes up. One of which is Anna (as in OP) with an altered role card.

Once they complete their missions, they leave and never look back.

(Except for Anna, she stays to continue selling things.)

anna grindset

Interested but dont know if i will have time love the 3H games

Finally time to kill every last one of them hype

Im definitely interested in learning more about this, and potentially signing up later!

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what could go wrong

w h a t

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Yeah lol I was eyeing that part dubiously
Not sure it’s possible to get that many people to sign up and do what they’re supposed to do, tbh


try not getting stabbed by 16 people at once next time?


I did think it was going to be hard to get 62 people and I may be able to cut it down to a 28.

Rn I have a total of 35 areas planned.

It is possible to be attacked by 16 people on one turn (you’ll most likely die), but that shouldn’t happen often

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still good luck

for example, 20 people joined a large freeform misc
it may be hard to get above that


I could try a bite sized misc sample game first…
This one is very ambitious: a lot of players with different goals in 3 factions… and others.

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its up to you
but 28 is a big number
especially for a small forum
and some of those people might just afk

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would game be completely randed or would we have slight agency to pick characters we liked?

real talk though this idea is sick enough that I actually want to bully a metric ton of people into joining


It’ll be completely randed - Certain characters (Claude, Hubert, Byleth) have ridiculous advantage in the strategy part of the game, while certain characters (Dimitri, Edelgard, also Byleth) have ridiculous stats in battle.

I’m still deciding whether I should have a partially open role cards list that shows passives of each character, or a completely closed one.

I’m also planning a sample game which will take place in the monastery in the form of a mock battle between the 3 houses in academy phase.

Ranging from 12 players to 18 players if demand is overwhelming.

Characters for the Mock Battle

Black Eagles:
Edelgard - Axe
Hubert - Tome
Ferdinand von Aegir - Lance
Linhardt - Tome
Caspar - Axe/Gauntlets
Petra - Sword
(Where’s Bernadetta?)

Blue Lions:
Dimitri - Lance
Dedue - Axe
Ashe - Bow
Mercedes - Tome
Ingrid - Lance
Felix - Sword

Golden Deer:
Claude - Bow
Hilda - Axe
Lorenz - Lance
Marriane - Tome
Raphael - Gauntlets
Leonie - Bow/Lance


i’d sure be interested in at least trying it out

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I like the idea however unsure how into I could get like I love the role in the OP but yeah