Monster Mistery: Chapter 0: Escape.

I died by sand, fortunately I did not die of old age at the lake side, fortunately I did not go into the fog forest.

I died by falling

I died by alligator

Y’know, the more I play this game, the less I think a perfect clear is possible. This game may be inspired by Zero Escape, but I think it is a tad bit more brutal than Zero Escape.

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I still don’t know, where you got the old age story… When everything says that it turns things younger/Rejuvenating.

Oops, the other way around

Since the players aren’t limited to 2/3 choices per selection, there can be way more branches, than a typical visual novel. (In exchange some sessions are way shorter.)

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Attempt #10 (Zone_Q11)

You start trying to talk with the vampire, but the short woman interrupts you, and you learn that the vampire is her target. After the lizardman leaves, you drop the big bomb that you traveled back in time, and manage to learn Lilith’s name, and the fact that Romero is a monster, who eats corpses…
The fifteen of you make four groups.
Amaquelin, Emerenta, Lilith, the vampire and the short woman are searching for the mysterious lake. Fred and Hunter are staying in the starting room. Romero, George and the last guy are going to the ravine. While you, Hansen, Elisabeth, Mary and James check out the desert, and the barrier at the end of it. With a good plan you all reach the end of desert, where Hanses confirms, she can make a gap on the barrier, although it’s very inconvenient. Reaching a stalemate you decide to go back to the starting room, where you learn that others have disappeared one by one, which later happens to your group as well. James, Mary and Elisabeth decide they will try the trials of the ravine, before they disappear as well. At the end you are left alone… In a few minutes, you died without knowing how.

Your watch beeped once at 00:05, 01:30, 03:30, 05:00, 06:00, 06:30, and twice at 06:45…

MFW altruism gets rewarded with punishment:
:expressionless: :pleading_face: :sob:

I have no idea what’s going on.

Just read the OP and the links.
That ought to be enough context.

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Oh, I lied for effect. I know roughly what’s going on.


Cool. You won’t be able to join anymore, but would you like to join the discussion on… anything?

Are there limited lives?

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I don’t understand the question.

When you die, you retry a room, right?
I think that’s the gimmick.

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Yes. That’s the gimmick.

So are there a limited number of attempts, or is the most dedicated player practically guaranteed to win?

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Everyone can see your fails, so dedication might not be enough, if others can pick up on things you don’t.

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To our current understanding: There is unlimited lives.
Though I have to agree with Luna: Dedication might not be enough.

“I am suffering.” (Merchant!Zone)
“I have suffered.” (Altruist!Zone)

“Correction. It appears I will have to continue suffering.” (Altruist!Zone)

“Let’s be real here: It’s probably for the best, because otherwise Mr. Muscle would take over the wheel and let the participants die.” (Merchant!Zone)

Thought Process

*Altruist has entered the thread*
*Mr. Muscle has entered the thread*
*Merchant has entered the thread*
*Hedonist has entered the thread*

Hedonist: “Oh. Oh, yeah. Zone’s fucked. LMAO. We’re dedge. We’re so doomed once we get back.”

Merchant: “Not quite. This might be a fortuitous moment for us. I dare say this might be the best opportunity to learn from our mistakes! After all we can–”

Mr. Muscle: “Bah! This and that doesn’t matter. In the end, we are ultimately weak as hell, and we still can’t perfect clear this chapter without perfect knowledge.”

Altruist: "Which is why [REDACTED]"

Hedonist: “Nuh-uh! No spoilers, Alty! Other peepo have to fuck up as big as Merry did if they wanna know what’s happening on our end~!”

Merchant: “I agree with Hedonist. Though… Did you really have to say it like that? You could’ve just not mention the part where I–”

Mr. Muscle: “Enough talking! There is no benefit in revealing information, and spoilers are no fun anyway! Let’s go back.”
*Mr. Muscle has left the thread*

Merchant: “Cheers. Godspeed, Altruist.”
*Merchant has left the thread*

Altruist: “…Hedonist, are you not going back with them?”

Hedonist: “I will. I just want to see your disappointing face a little bit longer~ :yum: Welp. As Merry said before, good luck Alty! Don’t mess it up like Merry did~!”
*Hedonist has left the thread*

Altruist: “Sigh… If you don’t hear anything from us (in particular, ‘me’) in the next 48 hours, then I would have most probably been assimilated with Merchant. Good bye, everyone.”
*Altruist has left the thread*

–and that is pretty much what’s been happening to me over the past week. I don’t know whether this actually keeps me sane or turns me insane, but it sure does take up a lot of time. orz