Monster Mistery: Chapter 0: Escape.

No spoiler, please.


[censor] it!

Attempt #3 (Silviu)

You start by leaving everyone behind, and go straight to the swamp, alone. You went into the swamp and slowly approached three thing which looked like grassy islands from the distance. But it was too late, when you noticed the scales on them. Stopping in one place helyed you a bit, and only one of the swamp alligators swimmed next to you, seemingly not caring about you. But at this moment your watch beeped, irritating the reptile, who attacked you.

Your watch beeped twice at 00:05
And once in the swamp.

Silviu, plz. The more often other players die, the more pressured I am to actually succeed in one run, even though I am doing terribly at the moment. :pleading_face:

Let’s say I am being very diehard from the kindness of my heart

Attempt #4 (Zone_Q11)

You start by introducing yourself to everyone, but only one man greets you back with his name. (He is called Fred.) After that you investigate every hook of the starting room, while the lizardman, and 13 other people leave you behind. After an hour and a half of time investigating you find nothing in the starting room. Two people came back at this time. You learn from them, that their name is Romero and George, and they went South, in the fog, with a third person, but the third person didn’t come back from the fog with them. Hearing their story you went South by yourself. You went into the fog, but because you couldn’t see anything, you almost immediately left. From that point you went West, reaching a swamp. There you turned North, and after a while you bumped into a woman with a bloody face, who confirmed two things. She is a vampire, and there is another monster waiting for you in the starting room, and she wanted you to give a message to her. In the starting room most of the cast met again, except some unlucky ones.… you learned from them about the desert to the North, and a ravine to the East, one of the party members, who went East introduces himself as James. Meantime you correctly identified the other monster, and gave her the message. In exchange she gives you her trust and shows her watch to you. Her name is Amaquelin, and her race is medusa. Also one her watch was an extra line, which ordered her to protect her identity. While you two were talking you were attacked by a thug, which you disarmed easily and learned that his name is Hunter, but he get petrified in the process. He turns to stone quite quickly and everyone, but George and Fred leave you behind in fear. With Amaquelin you visit the vampire again, and she shows you their victim. The little woman died from blood loss, but she was hugged by the petrified Emerenta. Trying to find a cure you go east with Amaquelin, the vampire and George. (Amaquelin convinced the party to pick up George on the way.) You reach the Chasm of the East, and George decides to climb down, while you three start searching the east side of the forest for the mysterious lake.
You upset Amaquelin, who leaves in her anger. The rest of you decide to check on George, when a big explosion happens, which shakes the whole ground, from the direction of the starting room. You hurry in worry for George in case the shaking pushed him into the deep. Luckily when you reached the ravine, he was leaning his back to a tree. You three rush back to the starting room, and meet with a stone statue of James. And you decide to go further. You see the sobbing Amaquelin looking at you, and you get petrified in seconds.

Your watch beeped once at 00:05, three times at 01:45 and two times at 06:00

[Ending #4]
What an unlucky number to start my end.
*inhales sharply*
Welp, I screwed up big time.


Seven players. Four endings.
I am assuming the other players are faring well, but I am rather concerned about the lack of communication from the four players who have not talked in this thread.

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Same here now.

Do not worry.
Most players started already. But some of them response faster, some of them slower.
(That’s why I changed it to asynch through Dm this time, instead of having all storyline played in synchron/asynchron in thread at the same time. (It’s the third time I try this game working, and so far this is the best method.))


So… there’s a ravine in the east

According to all of this

Death #5 might be mine.

Would you like to give some spoilers considering Marlu is going to say it later anyways?


Ókaaaay I am kidddinggggg


Never mind. My latest action didn’t kill me. I figured it had a high chance of doing so.

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Leafia succesfuly escaped.


Wow I am very slowpokeish

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Stop it Silviu, comparing your progress with other people


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I’m the first to do so too, so I’m counting this as a win even if I don’t end up scoring the highest.

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