My perception of FoLer Movie Archetypes

thats because im gay


however i would be concerned for mays mental health first and foremost because ive been there


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Didn’t mean to reply there
Oh :whale2:

edit:^this was before i checked what i repiled to :sob:
[the oh :whale2: part of it]

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sorry but me, may, kaguyahime makes 3


Early victim of a horror movie. You’re familiar enough that your death will hurt, but your main personality modes seem to be “bored” or “tired” and that can’t carry a narrative. Your death sets the story. Perhaps if you expected to die, you left behind messages for the heroes to follow.

You’re capable in your craft, perhaps you’re even overestimated at times, so I think this best suits the role of an experienced mentor. Actually, that’s my answer.

You set the plot and then die, or you come in late to explain what’s happening and then you die.



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I am :fish:

You can’t barge into a relationship.

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I meant let me into the movie archetype thing!
I didn’t mean to reply there!

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You’re polarised enough that you’re pretty much forced to be good.

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And here I thought I was going to be the cheesy villain that doesn’t get taken seriously
And makes terrible puns

Ooh, I like that more.

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I’m not supposed to do your job for you!

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i disagree
you’re too overprotective over the people you like, mainly your siblings, to take over non-chalantness over your deeds and waste your time doing so at a net loss to everyone instead of a net positive to someone

you’d have to be a comically bad villain to not do any harm and provide gain to at least one person that subsets the loss, the person being you
given your character
i think you’d do something else

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i am killua
(and dam, you remember that?)

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I don’t think I would make a great protagonist
Not sure I would be a good villian either

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I think Litten is our first antagonistic force, but I don’t think he’s the main villain. I think he’s the right hand, the dragon, a bully of sorts. Destroy him, Mr. Electric.

I think Litten is the childhood friend turned bitter in some way, or else he has some goal that runs contradictory to the protagonist’s plans. He’s either redeemed halfway through the story and instantly becomes less interesting as a result, or he rejects forgiveness until the end and dies to demonstrate that the heroes have been making progress.


You get it.

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